Deadline: 15 May 2012
The Criterion is refereed e-journal and is designed to publish theoretical articles and book reviews on interdisciplinary cross-currents in the humanities and social sciences. The Criterion encourages interpretative criticism and fresh insights into new and established authors and texts and seeks to generate a serious debate on different academic issues.We also encourage literary contributions in the form of original as well as translated poetry and fiction.
The Criterion provides open access to all its content to support greater global exchange of knowledge. The free access policy, we believe, will benefit both the writer and the reader.
The opinions expressed in the articles and other contents appearing in the journal are purely those of the respective authors and in no way reflect the opinions of the editors. Authors submitting their work for publication in The Criterion are responsible for getting approval for copyrighted material they use in their articles. The Criterion should not be held responsible for any infringement of copyright laws for the published content.
We follow a strict double-blind reviewing of the submitted works, that is we promise to conceal always the identity of both the reviewers and the author from each other. If any submitted article fails to fulfill primary standards, it will be rejected and the author will be communicated the decision promptly. If the editors are satisfied, they will select two or more reviewers for detailed consideration of the articles. The editors may advise the author to revise the article for publication.
The Criterion is a refereed and registered journal. Editorial Advisory Board’s decision on a typescript will be conveyed within two months from the date of receipt.
We accept only electronic submissions via e-mail as attached documents (Microsoft word only) which must include Name and country in the body of your submission. Authors are requested to provide their full Bio-data and should not forget to provide information regarding contact details with their e-mail address in the same attachment (do not send more that one attachment).
Authors are requested to follow the MLA style strictly while preparing the articles. Authors are also requested to include the following in the format of their articles:
1. Full Title with subtitle, if any. Times New Roman, 14, Bold, (Not all capital letters)
2. An abstract of the article of about 100-150 words.
3. Authors should note that the main body of the text should be prepared in such a way that no formatting is needed afterwards. Heading, sub headings and illustrations should be well incorporated within the main body of the article. Times New Roman, 12, Justified
4. There is no word-limit for articles. But ideally those should be around 5000 words, inclusive Works Cited.
5. All portions of the articles should be single-line spaced.
6. Author should be careful regarding grammatical and typological errors.
7. All essays submitted must be in English for review. Quotations in languages other than English must be accompanied by translations.
Simultaneous submissions are permitted provided the authors inform the editor as soon as the content is accepted elsewhere.
Our mission is to publish the finest fiction (up to 10,000 words), with special attention to character-driven stories that examine the depths and heights of emotion and motivation from a broad variety of cultural and social perspectives. We are also interested in more experimental narratives as well as well-written flash fiction (1,500 words or less). Surprise us with your writing. There are no restrictions on subjects and themes. For poetry, we aim to publish challenging and engaging works by both established and emerging poets.
Please note:
-Fiction: Submit one piece at one time.
-Poetry: Submit up to three poems at one time.
-Copy and paste your fiction or poetry in the body of an email.
-Include a short third-person biographical note in your submission.
-Only previously unpublished works are considered.
-We accept simultaneous submissions but please let us know if your piece has been accepted for publication elsewhere.
-Response time: Two months. only accepted submissions.
We allow our authors flexible rights to republish and reproduce and distribute their published contents with third parties anywhere in any format on the following conditions:
1. The authors will inform the Editor-in-Chief about the intended republication or reproduction by third parties by sending a signed letter.
2. The authors will acknowledge credits to The Criterion as the first publisher and include the URL (the original link location) in their works.
For inquiries:
For submissions: send your contribution/s to
The Criterion is refereed e-journal and is designed to publish theoretical articles and book reviews on interdisciplinary cross-currents in the humanities and social sciences. The Criterion encourages interpretative criticism and fresh insights into new and established authors and texts and seeks to generate a serious debate on different academic issues.We also encourage literary contributions in the form of original as well as translated poetry and fiction.
The Criterion provides open access to all its content to support greater global exchange of knowledge. The free access policy, we believe, will benefit both the writer and the reader.
The opinions expressed in the articles and other contents appearing in the journal are purely those of the respective authors and in no way reflect the opinions of the editors. Authors submitting their work for publication in The Criterion are responsible for getting approval for copyrighted material they use in their articles. The Criterion should not be held responsible for any infringement of copyright laws for the published content.
We follow a strict double-blind reviewing of the submitted works, that is we promise to conceal always the identity of both the reviewers and the author from each other. If any submitted article fails to fulfill primary standards, it will be rejected and the author will be communicated the decision promptly. If the editors are satisfied, they will select two or more reviewers for detailed consideration of the articles. The editors may advise the author to revise the article for publication.
The Criterion is a refereed and registered journal. Editorial Advisory Board’s decision on a typescript will be conveyed within two months from the date of receipt.
We accept only electronic submissions via e-mail as attached documents (Microsoft word only) which must include Name and country in the body of your submission. Authors are requested to provide their full Bio-data and should not forget to provide information regarding contact details with their e-mail address in the same attachment (do not send more that one attachment).
Authors are requested to follow the MLA style strictly while preparing the articles. Authors are also requested to include the following in the format of their articles:
1. Full Title with subtitle, if any. Times New Roman, 14, Bold, (Not all capital letters)
2. An abstract of the article of about 100-150 words.
3. Authors should note that the main body of the text should be prepared in such a way that no formatting is needed afterwards. Heading, sub headings and illustrations should be well incorporated within the main body of the article. Times New Roman, 12, Justified
4. There is no word-limit for articles. But ideally those should be around 5000 words, inclusive Works Cited.
5. All portions of the articles should be single-line spaced.
6. Author should be careful regarding grammatical and typological errors.
7. All essays submitted must be in English for review. Quotations in languages other than English must be accompanied by translations.
Simultaneous submissions are permitted provided the authors inform the editor as soon as the content is accepted elsewhere.
Our mission is to publish the finest fiction (up to 10,000 words), with special attention to character-driven stories that examine the depths and heights of emotion and motivation from a broad variety of cultural and social perspectives. We are also interested in more experimental narratives as well as well-written flash fiction (1,500 words or less). Surprise us with your writing. There are no restrictions on subjects and themes. For poetry, we aim to publish challenging and engaging works by both established and emerging poets.
Please note:
-Fiction: Submit one piece at one time.
-Poetry: Submit up to three poems at one time.
-Copy and paste your fiction or poetry in the body of an email.
-Include a short third-person biographical note in your submission.
-Only previously unpublished works are considered.
-We accept simultaneous submissions but please let us know if your piece has been accepted for publication elsewhere.
-Response time: Two months. only accepted submissions.
We allow our authors flexible rights to republish and reproduce and distribute their published contents with third parties anywhere in any format on the following conditions:
1. The authors will inform the Editor-in-Chief about the intended republication or reproduction by third parties by sending a signed letter.
2. The authors will acknowledge credits to The Criterion as the first publisher and include the URL (the original link location) in their works.
For inquiries:
For submissions: send your contribution/s to