Date: 30 July 2011
What: PAWA Workshop with Barbara Jane Reyes: How to Submit Your Work for Publication
Where: Bayanihan Center, Mission Street @ 6th, San Francisco.
When: Saturday, July 30th, starting promptly @ 10 am.
Registration: Sliding Scale ($25-35 for students with valid student ID; $35-50 general). Please make checks payable to:
Philippine American Writers and Artists, Inc.
P.O. Box 31928
San Francisco, CA 94131-0928
Include “07/30/2011 workshop” on the memo line.
Paypal option is forthcoming.
What to Bring: yourselves, your questions, your current submissions packets, your current submissions calls resources.
Who Should Attend: Aspiring and emerging writers with limited or no experience with the submissions process, or writers with some submissions experience, who would like to refine or clarify their own current processes.
I have the space reserved from 10 am until 2 pm, and will use that entire time if necessary, to present, to discuss, to answer questions.
The rationale for this workshop: For some time now, I have been receiving a volume of email questions, many people asking me how to submit work, how to make a submission, how to determine where to submit. There is no single or quick way to answer these questions adequately, especially via email, especially when I do not know the writer and/or his/her publication experience/history. I am therefore conducting a workshop via PAWA, so that I can have the space to answer these questions in a non-virtual forum, but first, break it down: What are the do’s and don’t's. In other words, what are our commandments, and what are our cardinal sins. I will compile and present resources, places where I find submissions calls.
We will discuss how and where we decide to submit our work. We will discuss literary journals, magazines, anthologies. We will discuss print and online publication. We will talk about cover letters and bio statements. We will read a number of sample submissions calls carefully for the directions that we must follow. What does each publication require? For example: What are their page limits and formatting specifics, what are their policies on snail mail versus online submissions, on unpublished or previously published work? We will discuss ways of recording/tracking our submissions. Finally, we will Q&A until we’re good and done.
Barbara Jane Reyes is the author of Diwata (BOA Editions, Ltd., 2010), recently noted as a finalist for the California Book Award. She was born in Manila, Philippines, raised in the San Francisco Bay Area, and is the author of two previous collections of poetry, Gravities of Center (Arkipelago Books, 2003) and Poeta en San Francisco (Tinfish Press, 2005), which received the James Laughlin Award of the Academy of American Poets. Her chapbooks, Easter Sunday (2008), Cherry (2008), and West Oakland Sutra for the AK-47 Shooter at 3:00 AM and other Oakland poems (2008) are published by Ypolita Press, Portable Press at Yo-Yo Labs, and Deep Oakland Editions, respectively. Her poems, essays, and reviews have appeared or are forthcoming in Arroyo Literary Review, Asian Pacific American Journal, Chain, Filipinas Magazine, Hambone, Hyphen, Interlope, Kartika Review, Lantern Review, Latino Poetry Review, Maganda, New American Writing, North American Review, Notre Dame Review, Parthenon West Review, XCP: Cross Cultural Poetics, among others.
Contact Information:
For inquiries:
What: PAWA Workshop with Barbara Jane Reyes: How to Submit Your Work for Publication
Where: Bayanihan Center, Mission Street @ 6th, San Francisco.
When: Saturday, July 30th, starting promptly @ 10 am.
Registration: Sliding Scale ($25-35 for students with valid student ID; $35-50 general). Please make checks payable to:
Philippine American Writers and Artists, Inc.
P.O. Box 31928
San Francisco, CA 94131-0928
Include “07/30/2011 workshop” on the memo line.
Paypal option is forthcoming.
What to Bring: yourselves, your questions, your current submissions packets, your current submissions calls resources.
Who Should Attend: Aspiring and emerging writers with limited or no experience with the submissions process, or writers with some submissions experience, who would like to refine or clarify their own current processes.
I have the space reserved from 10 am until 2 pm, and will use that entire time if necessary, to present, to discuss, to answer questions.
The rationale for this workshop: For some time now, I have been receiving a volume of email questions, many people asking me how to submit work, how to make a submission, how to determine where to submit. There is no single or quick way to answer these questions adequately, especially via email, especially when I do not know the writer and/or his/her publication experience/history. I am therefore conducting a workshop via PAWA, so that I can have the space to answer these questions in a non-virtual forum, but first, break it down: What are the do’s and don’t's. In other words, what are our commandments, and what are our cardinal sins. I will compile and present resources, places where I find submissions calls.
We will discuss how and where we decide to submit our work. We will discuss literary journals, magazines, anthologies. We will discuss print and online publication. We will talk about cover letters and bio statements. We will read a number of sample submissions calls carefully for the directions that we must follow. What does each publication require? For example: What are their page limits and formatting specifics, what are their policies on snail mail versus online submissions, on unpublished or previously published work? We will discuss ways of recording/tracking our submissions. Finally, we will Q&A until we’re good and done.
Barbara Jane Reyes is the author of Diwata (BOA Editions, Ltd., 2010), recently noted as a finalist for the California Book Award. She was born in Manila, Philippines, raised in the San Francisco Bay Area, and is the author of two previous collections of poetry, Gravities of Center (Arkipelago Books, 2003) and Poeta en San Francisco (Tinfish Press, 2005), which received the James Laughlin Award of the Academy of American Poets. Her chapbooks, Easter Sunday (2008), Cherry (2008), and West Oakland Sutra for the AK-47 Shooter at 3:00 AM and other Oakland poems (2008) are published by Ypolita Press, Portable Press at Yo-Yo Labs, and Deep Oakland Editions, respectively. Her poems, essays, and reviews have appeared or are forthcoming in Arroyo Literary Review, Asian Pacific American Journal, Chain, Filipinas Magazine, Hambone, Hyphen, Interlope, Kartika Review, Lantern Review, Latino Poetry Review, Maganda, New American Writing, North American Review, Notre Dame Review, Parthenon West Review, XCP: Cross Cultural Poetics, among others.
Contact Information:
For inquiries: