Vacancy: 5 Journalists for TechMarkia Internet News, Nagpur/ Bangalore

07 November 2010
Vacancy: 5 Journalists for TechMarkia Internet News, Nagpur/ Bangalore
Job Description

We are looking for 3 to 5 journalists who can write articles for the news publication from our Nagpur, India office and/or in our Bangalore, India office. Must possess EXCEPTIONAL English writing and journalism skills. You must be able to write 2 to 4 in depth articles each day based on Internet research alone. The main job for these journalists will be to research and write about the latest breaking news centered around one or two of the following aspects of the consumer Internet space.

We will have a different journalists cover each of these categories :

1: Social Media. Latest features and news about of social media companies such as Facebook, Twitter, Foursquare, Yelp, and others.

2: Mobile Applications. Covering latest features and news about mobile applications made available on Apple iPad/iPhones and on Google Android operating systems. You will be allocated an Apple iPad to work with in Nagpur to research topics.

3: Music/Video. Covering latest features and news about Youtube, Hulu, Apple iTunes, music social networks, and other music or video related sites.

4: Games. Covering latest features and news about Internet based games and gaming companies such as Zynga, RockYou, and other top internet/social gaming startups.

5: Buzz. Covering latest features and news about large internet sites and companies such as Google, Bing, Yahoo, Apple, eBay, and others.

Ideal candidates will have a Journalism or English degree and will possess exceptional English writing and grammar skills. Also, ideal candidates will be passionate about consumer Internet technology, and will possess strong Internet research and writing skills.


You must submit a cover letter, resume, and writing sample that clearly demonstrates the clarity of your English writing, your excitement for this opportunity, your willingness to work hard, and which describes why you are the best candidate for one or two of the 5 categories above. Describe which category would be your first pick and why. Describe what online publications that you regularly read and demonstrate your knowledge of the consumer internet. Must be able to adapt your writing style to American spelling and cultural norms. To summarize, your resume will be ignored unless you submit an application which each of these things : (1) cover letter explaining which category interests you and why you are the best candidate for it (2) writing sample (3) resume.


Our founders will be flying from the United States in December and January to train Nagpur TechMarkia hires on writing techniques, research and style. However, only the best 5 writers will be selected to be in this training program.

There will be a 3 month probation period, and the salary will be 10,000 rs per month during the 3 month probation period. The salary will increase after 3 months based on talent, skills, and writing ability. Local Nagpur, India or Bangalore, India candidates only. Your salary can increase dramatically based on your skills and success of the publication overall. There may also be opportunities to travel to different cities in India and/or to the United States for training/events.

TechMarkia ( is a new Silicon Valley, USA based online news publication exclusively covering the Consumer Internet space (e.g., latest features of Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, etc.). The site is started by Alejandro Martinez-Cabrera, a former technology writer/journalist of the San Francisco Chronicle (the largest newspaper in the San Francisco Bay Area, United States) and Raj Abhyanker (a patent attorney in Silicon Valley). TechMarkia will officially launch on February 1, 2011.

More information here.
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