If I Were Thanh Nien Editor-in-Chief Writing Contest (Vietnam, prize: Singapore trip and VND 15 million)

06 November 2010
If I Were Thanh Nien Editor-in-Chief Writing Contest (Vietnam, prize: Singapore trip and VND 15 million)
Deadline: 1 December 2010


In anticipation of our 25th anniversary, Thanh Nien is organizing a contest to collect opinions and new ideas from our young readers. The contest will also present an opportunity for young people who love Thanh Nien, and journalism in general, to have a great experience with us.


Open to all secondary school, high school, college and university students in Vietnam. Entrants must be under 30-years-old as of January 1, 2011.

First round

Think of yourself as Thanh Nien’s Editor-in-Chief and write out a plan that includes ideas and strategies to improve any aspects of the newspaper, such as content, design, advertisement, and distribution. Entrants can write about one or multiple aspects concerning Thanh Nien in general or any of its publications including Thanh Nien Vietnamese-language daily, Thanh Nien Weekly and Thanh Nien Online.

Entries must be written in Vietnamese. There are no restrictions on length or on how the entries are presented.

Please send entries to: neutoilatongbientap@thanhnien.com.vn or to Thanh Nien Newspaper – 248 Cong Quynh Street, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City.

Entries must be submitted from November 1, 2010 to December 1, 2010.

Second round

The best entrants from the first round will be selected and invited to give oral presentations and answer questions from the judges at the beginning of December 2010. (Financial support in terms of travel fares, meals and accommodation will be provided, if necessary.)

Winners will be announced in Thanh Nien Newspaper at the beginning of December 2010. Awards will be presented at a meeting with young readers to celebrate Thanh Nien’s 25th anniversary.


One first prize:

- A trip to Singapore for two (not convertible into cash)

- A cash prize of VND15 million

- One day working at Thanh Nien as Editor-in-Chief

Two second prizes:

- Cash prize of VND10 million

- One day working at Thanh Nien as Deputy Editor-in-Chief

Two third prizes:

- Cash prize of VND5 million

Five consolation prizes:

- Gifts and souvenirs from Thanh Nien

Entries that are chosen to be published in the newspaper will receive royalties.

We are looking forward for your submissions.

More information here.
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