Acentos Writers Workshop Presents Ocean Vuong

09 November 2010
Acentos Writers Workshop Presents Ocean Vuong
Date: 14 November 2010

This upcoming Sunday Acentos Writers Workshop presents Ocean Vuong. Ocean Vuong is the author of Burnings (Sibling Rivalry Press 2011). He has been writing since the age of 16 and has been published in numerous literary journals including, the Barnwood Press Review, the Connecticut River Review, WordRiot, and Raving Dove Review among others. His poems have received an Academy of American Poets Prize, the Beatrice Dubin Rose Award, the Connecticut
Poetry Society's Al Savard Award, as well as three Pushcart Prize nominations.

NO RSVP required. Workshops start at 12PM at Hostos Community College in BLDG A Room 329.

About the Workshop

THE ACENTOS WRITERS' WORKSHOP was established with the purpose of nurturing various voices of poets in the Bronx and beyond. With writers/facilitators from across several genres donating their time, the workshop encourages newer writers to hone their craft, establish community, and perform their work in front of supportive audiences.

The Acentos Writers' Workshop offers opportunities for growing writers through contact with professional writers, poets, mentors, and teachers. The workshop accepts writers of all backgrounds and skill levels to foster growth and maximize their full potential as writers;

The Acentos Fellowship workshops are a key component in reaching the next level up from the Acentos Writers workshop. These classes are not open to the public but will serve as a spring board for the upcoming Acentos teaching artist workshop that launches in the spring of 2010. Upon completion of the intensive workshops, the participants will carry the well earned title of Acentos Fellow. They will be able to present and further cement the expertise and knowledge in well crafted work that the Acentos Foundation holds near and dear to their heart. As part of the Acentos Foundation and the louderARTS project, the workshops serve a multitude of generations, ethnicities and backgrounds. Through our association with Hostos Community College in the Bronx, the workshop honors this rich cultural diversity.

More information here.
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