Writer's Name: Manju Jaidka
Country/Origin: India
Title of blog: Spots of Time
Writer's Bio: A professor of English at Panjab University, Chandigarh. Has traveled widely and is engaged in a variety of academic and community work, including networking across international borders. Writes / blogs in her spare time.
Recent Publications:
(If you are an Asian/mixed-Asian writer who blogs or has a personal website, e-mail us at asiawritesmail [at] gmail.com with the information above.)
Visit his/her blog here.
Country/Origin: India
Title of blog: Spots of Time
Writer's Bio: A professor of English at Panjab University, Chandigarh. Has traveled widely and is engaged in a variety of academic and community work, including networking across international borders. Writes / blogs in her spare time.
Recent Publications:
(If you are an Asian/mixed-Asian writer who blogs or has a personal website, e-mail us at asiawritesmail [at] gmail.com with the information above.)
Visit his/her blog here.