Paying Market: Iron Horse Literary Review (Facebook Issue)

28 April 2010
Paying Market: Iron Horse Literary Review (Facebook Issue)
We do pay our contributors: $40 for poems and short-shorts; $100 for prose pieces.

In October 2010, Iron Horse Literary Review will publish a Facebook Issue. We’re looking for stories, poems, and essays that parody or make use of Facebook paraphernalia—the quizzes (i.e., What Famous Novel Are You? or Have You Done It?), 25 Random Things lists, status updates, profile pictures, any and all things FB. You can write about your FB experiences, as well, but we’ll be wary of those experiences that seem stereotypical or are represented in a stale fashion.

Surprise us! Be creative! Show off your artistry! Your stories must tell a story, your essays must flesh out an idea fully, your poems must be poems—so write for us some beautiful literary masterpieces. The cover will be a collage of profile pics.

Submission Deadline: June 1, 2010, 5:00 p.m. We'll also be putting together an AWP panel called In Your Face. So please submit early if you want to be considered for that panel.

Send to: Iron Horse Literary Review, The Facebook Issue, English Department, Texas Tech University, Mail Stop 43091, Lubbock, TX 79409-3091
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