Beat22 Seeks Poetry/Fiction Manuscripts

26 April 2010
Beat22 Seeks Poetry/Fiction Manuscripts
We seek manuscripts that are well written, with strong characters and an original narrative voice. Our absolute priority is on giving the best possible service to the authors we choose to represent, and to maintaining routine friendly contact with them while we help develop their careers.

We're a young agency and that's good for you because we're definitely looking for new talent! We hunt out literature that surprises, breaks conventions, transports the reader to different places but never forgets the basics of storytelling: strong characters and a gripping narrative.

First and foremost, we're looking for writers who are ready for publication. This means: You are NOT planning to send us the first draft of the first book you've ever written, but rather you've studied the craft of writing, read books about it, taken classes or workshops, and honestly approached writing as the serious art, craft, and business that it is. You've taken the time to get objective feedback on your book or proposal, and revised and polished accordingly.

What we are NOT looking for :

* theology, apologetics, pastoral, spiritual growth
* children's fiction / teen fiction
* children's picture books
* Screenplays **
* Graphic novels
* textbooks

(More information HERE.)
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