Another Pentecost Writing Contest

10 April 2010
Another Pentecost Writing Contest
A couple years ago, we held a writing competition for Pentecost. I think we’re due for another one. We want your words! Jesus Manifesto is inviting you to submit an original article (freshly written, not recycled from an old blog post).

We’re looking for any article, short story, or poem of less than 1000 words that explores this question: What new thing is the Spirit stirring up in our world today?

PRIZES: The piece that we, the editors, find the most compelling-yet-well-written will receive $100. Four others will each receive $25. We will publish any other submissions that meet our publishing criteria.

DEADLINE: May 15th, 2010

ADDITIONAL GUIDELINES: You retain the rights to your own work, but those submitting articles agree to allow the editors of Jesus Manifesto to edit their article. We will take down any article upon the author’s request.

All submissions should be sent to mark [at] with the subject “Pentecost Contest.” Each submission should also include a paragraph-long author’s bio.

(More information HERE.)
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