The Poetry Society All-India Poetry Competition 2013 (Rs10,000 top prize)

28 March 2013
The Poetry Society All-India Poetry Competition 2013 (Rs10,000 top prize)
Deadline: 1 June 2013

(Note: This competition requires an entry fee. Please participate with caution.)

The Competition, organised by The Poetry Society (India), is open to resident and non-resident Indian poets and translators. Members of the Governing Board and the Executive Committee of The Poetry Society (India) and the first prize-winners of previous All-India Poetry Competitions are not permitted to enter the Competition. No Competitor may win more than one prize.

  • The Poems entered for the Competition will be read by a panel of eminent Indian poets who will select the prize-winning poems.
  • The decision of the judges will be final and The Poetry Society (India) will not enter into any correspondence about the results.
  • There will be seven prizes awarded in all.
  • The first prize will be Rs. 10,000/-
  • The second prize will be Rs. 5,000/-
  • Five commendation prizes of Rs. 1,000/- for the best poems in translation will be given.
  • A list of prize-winners and the prize-winning poems will be available through
  • All entries for the Competition should be sent at
  • Each entry must be either a poem written in English by the competitor or his/her translation into English of a poem by any poet in any of the recognized Indian languages.
  • There will be an entry fee of Rs. 200 per poem. Competitors may submit as many entries by email at as they wish.
  • Before submitting their entries the translators should have obtained permission from the poets for the use of their poems for the Competition. Scanned copy/copies of the permission/s should be sent along with the entry/entries and original copy/copies by post to The Poetry Society (India).
  • Each poem must be the unaided work of the author or translator and it must not have been previously published or broadcast.
  • If it has been found that the competitor has copied in full or part a poem of another poet or downloaded in full or part a poem of another poet from the Internet, and submitted as an entry to the All India Poetry Competition 2013, suitable/legal action can be taken against the competitor.
  • The maximum length of a poem should be about 40 lines.
  • Competitors may submit as many entries as they wish provided that each poem is accompanied by an entry fee or Rs. 200/- per poem.
  • The entry fee must be paid by a Demand Draft drawn on a bank in New Delhi in rupees and made payable to The Poetry Society (India). Payments sent by outstation cheques, cash or money order will not be accepted. The payments should be sent to The Secretary, The Poetry Society (India), L-67A, Malviya Nagar, New Delhi-110017.
  • Entries will be judged without the panel of judges knowing the identity of the competitors. Name of the poet should not be added to the text of the poem.
  • Receipt of an entry will not be acknowledged unless a separate self-addressed envelope marked RECEIPT (AIPC-2013) is enclosed with the entry fee.
  • The worldwide copyright of each prize-winning or shortlisted poem, and of any other poem selected by the judges for special commendation will remain with the author, but The Poetry Society (India) shall have the unrestricted right to present the poem on television, radio or the stage, or to publish it at the time of the prize-giving, or at any time up to twelve months afterwards.
  • All competitors shall be deemed to have read and accepted all the conditions of entry for the All-India Poetry Competition 2013 at the time of submission.

For queries/ submissions:

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