Call for Entries: 6th Together Day Commemorative Essay Contest Illustrating Foreigner's Life in Korea

28 March 2013
Call for Entries: 6th Together Day Commemorative Essay Contest Illustrating Foreigner's Life in Korea
Deadline: 15 April 2013

Together Day is a national commemorative day designated as May 20th to create an environment where Korean citizens and foreigners residing in Korea live in harmony. To commemorate the 6th Together Day 2013, the Ministry of Justice co-hosts the essay contest on foreigner's life in Korea with the Ministry of Security and Public Ministration and Korea Saemaul Undong Center.

  • Participant : Expats living in Korea and any Korean citizen
  • Genre : Essay on foreigner's life in Korea
    • Marriage migrants or their family members (spouses, parents, children, etc)
    • International students, foreign workers, ethnic Koreans with foreign nationality
    • Employees or volunteers of foreigner supporting private organizations, mentors or supporters of marriage migrants

Theme: “Color Your Dream”
  • Topic 1. Anecdotes on life in Korea as a marriage migrant (e.g. Know-hows to adjust to life in Korea as a foreign housewife)
  • Topic 2. A beautiful love story with a Korean spouse (e.g. Stories about how you met your Korean spouse)
  • Topic 3. Anecdotes on your school life as an international student (e.g. Benefits of studying in Korea as an international student)
  • Topic 4. Anecdotes on experiences as a foreign worker (e.g. Tips on working in Korea as a foreign worker)
  • Entry Period: Mar. 25th 2013 (Mon)~ Apr. 15th 2013 (Mon)
  • Preliminary Evaluation: Apr. 23rd 2013 (Tue)
  • Winner Announcement: May 3rd 2013 (Fri) on the website of Together Day
  • The Schedule above is subject to change depending on the circumstances of the host.

Entry Requirements
  • Length: no longer than three A4 pages. Use 12 point Sinmyeongjo font with 160% spacing and 15mm top/bottom, 20mm left/right and 15mm header/footer margin.
  • Submit the essay with your application form. Download the application form on the website of Together Day
  • ( and fill out the form.
  • Please make sure that you have filled out the form fully before submitting.
  • Category 1 : International students, Foreign workers, Ethnic Koreans with foreign nationality (8 persons)
    • Grand (1 person) -Certificate by the Minister of Justice & 1 million won
    • Excellence (2 persons)-Certificate by the Minister of Justice & 500,000 won
    • Encouragement (5 persons) - Certificate by the Minister of Justice & 300,000 won
  • Category 2 : Marriage immigrants(8 persons)
    • Grand (1 person) - Certificate by the Minister of Security and Public Administration & 1 million won
    • Excellence (2 persons) - Certificate by the Minister of Security and Public Administration & 500,000 won
    • Encouragement (5 persons) - Certificate by the Minister of Security and Public Administration & 300,000 won
  • Category 3 : Volunteers, Mentors, Supporters (8 persons)
    • Grand (1 person) - Certificate by the President of Korea Saemaul Undong Center & 1 million won
    • Excellence (2 persons) - Certificate by the President of Korea Saemaul Undong Center & 500,000 won
    • Encouragement (5 persons) -Cerfiticate by the President of Korea Saemaul Undong Center & 300,000 won
The prizes for each award category are presented by the Minister of Justice, the Minister of Security and Public Administration, and the President of Korea Saemaul Undong Center.

  • All works must be written in Korean.
  • All works must not be published before anywhere, and any submissions that are found to plagiarize or copy other works will be excluded from the contest.
  • Prize-winning essays will be posted on the websites of Together Day and hosting organizations.
  • All submitted works will not be returned, and the prize-winning works may be publicized on the media or used for campaign and promotion materials for public good.
  • If any prize-winner turns out to plagiarize other works or to be awarded for the same work in different contests, the certificate and the prize money previously given in the award ceremony will be revoked.

For submissions: via the online entry form

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