Calling All Scripwriters - Breaking the Mould: Arab Women in the Arab Spring

07 February 2013
Calling All Scripwriters - Breaking the Mould: Arab Women in the Arab Spring
Deadline: 4 March 2013

Swivel Theatre Company is seeking ambitious writers to submit one-act plays about Arab Women in the Arab Spring to be showcased during a 3 week run in June 2013 at the White Bear Theatre, London.

  • Theme of the Script: Arab Women in the Arab Spring.
  • Length of the Script: 30 A4 pages
  • Deadline to submit your script: 4th March 2013
  • Benefits to you: This is an unpaid opportunity. However, the scripts selected to be performed in The White Bear Theatre will be promoted along with the writer’s name in all our promotional material and website.
  • To participate: Just send us an email to tell us you are interested in submitting a script to

The rich and the poor. The rebels and the regime. The fighters and the bystanders. Women across the Arab world have had a myriad of experiences amid revolution. We want these stories to be told, and we can’t do it without great writers!

These stories can be told through comedy or drama, satire or gritty realism. The key is that it’s a woman’s story, and the rest is up to you.

We know this is a subject that lots of people are interested in but don’t know much about…. but fear not. The team at Swivel can help you at every step of the process, whether it is coming up with the initial idea or finding research materials.

Like so many good things, there are guidelines. We want scripts that are less than 30 pages, and they all need to be emailed to us by 4th March 2013 to Earlier entries are welcome!

Drop us an email if you are interested in writing a script- we will add you to our writers mailing list, which means you will get updates and advice straight to your inbox. If you are stuck or have any queries, we are here to answer any questions and provide any help or support you need along the way.

Entry is entirely free. This is an unpaid opportunity.


Script Content
  • Scripts should be no less than 20 and no more than 30 A4 pages, in Times New Roman font, size 12.
  • Scripts should have no more than 5 characters.
  • Characters can be both male and female, from the Arab world and beyond.
  • Writers are encouraged to keep set and technical direction to a minimum, plays must be feasible for performance on a limited budget.
Deadlines and process
  • Scripts must be submitted by 5.00pm on 4th March 2013, but we will accept scripts earlier on a rolling basis
  • Writers should include a 100 word summary of the plot, as well as their CV within the email
  • Scripts must be submitted in Word or PDF format. Scripts must be emailed to
  • Writers can submit more than one script, up to a maximum of 5.
  • We will shortlist a selection of scripts, and shortlisted writers will be invited to interview and meet with the company.

At Swivel, we work very hard to showcase creative professionals that work with us. As a company we have:
  • Sold out our debut show to break box office records, beating the theatre’s 20 year box office history in ticket sales
  • Received stellar reviews for our work across the board
  • Developed a reputation for being a truly professional company, that deals with all collaborators with integrity and mutual co-operation
  • Promoted an open-book policy: our accounts are never hidden, and we operate a profit share system in equal measure with creatives that work with us. Wherever there is profit, it is ALWAYS shared
  • Made ourselves the most open and inclusive company in London: we always support emerging talent with enthusiasm and passion.
For Writers:

We will ensure that your work is promoted in every way possible. As a minimum, successful writers will receive:
  • complimentary seats for industry professionals
  • the option to workshop texts with the help of the Swivel team and a group of actors
  • access to our mailing list for future promotion of work
  • full support from the company at every stage of the process, from redrafting through to support in accessing industry professionals once the show is up and running.
  • promotion of their script in all marketing materials, including :
  • the website (which receives average over 5000 hits per month during runs)
  • social media, including the facebook pages and twitter
  • the programme, in which each writer will have a biography and photo, as well as any desired links our newsletter, on all of which we can include any links to our own marketing resources, incluidng your websites or social media pages.


For queries/ submissions:

Related Opportunities:
Ranked: 500 highest-paying publications for freelance writers
The Freelance 500 Report (2015 Edition, 138 pages) profiles the highest-paying markets, ranked to help you decide which publication to query first. The info and links in this report are current. Details here.