The 'Write' Career Competition (organized by | $400 top prize | for NUS students/ alumni | Singapore)

24 September 2012
The 'Write' Career Competition (organized by | $400 top prize | for NUS students/ alumni | Singapore)
Deadline: 2 November 2012

CareersGo! is the latest local free-to-use informative career portal that aims to educate Singaporeans on how to better find and actively pursue their dreams in life. Designed and catered for Singapore, CareersGo! houses informative articles and life experiences of local Singaporeans who have walked down the path to achieve their career goal.

We are launching a short essay competition with the aim of raising awareness for Career Development and Job Market in Singapore. This year's competition will be open to all current undergraduate and graduate students of NUS. The competition consists of two categories and students may choose to participate in either one or both of the categories.

Share your insights with Singapore as winning articles submitted by 2 November 2012 will be published on CareersGo! Portal as feature articles.

OPEN CATEGORY: The overarching theme for the open category is "Starting Out in Singapore…"


The 7 available topics for the closed category are listed below:
  • Career success is a mental game.
  • Shaping your attitude for work.
  • What is a career?
  • Starting out in Singapore.
  • Describe your Internship/temp job experience and how it has changed you.
  • Innovative interview tricks and tips.
  • The ideal career.
Participants are allowed to participate in both categories. For the open category, participants are only allowed to submit one article. For the closed category, participants are allowed to submit multiple articles as long as each article is for a different topic.


Three cash prizes will be awarded for each category:
  • Champion - $400
  • First Runner Up - $200
  • Second Runner Up - $150

All articles will be judged base on the following criteria:
  • Content Originality 10%
  • Content Relevance 10%
  • Content Quality 50%
  • Language 20%
  • Presentation 10%
  • Total 100%
  • Contest is open to students of any nationality.
  • Submission deadline is on 23:59, Friday, 2 November 2012.
  • Entrants must be Students OR Alumnus of National University of Singapore.
  • Entries must be in British English.
  • All essays must be original content that has not been published in print or on electronic media such as blogs or other websites.
  • Articles submitted must be written by the contest entrant.
  • Multiple submissions with unique contents are accepted. However, each story will count as its own unique entry and may only be submitted once.
  • The essay should be between 650 and 1,500 words. Entries not meeting the required word length will be disqualified.
  • All entries are to be submitted in MS Word format in size 10 Arial Font. PDF versions will not be accepted.
  • Titles are to be clearly displayed at the top of the page in bold size 14 Arial Font.
  • Contact details of Entrants are to be indicated in the top left hand corner of the essay in the following format:
    • Name: Jim Carrey
    • HP Number: 9876 5432
    • Email:
    • Faculty / Year: School of Comedy / Year 3
  • Personal details will be used solely for the purpose of identifying and contacting the writers / winners of the competition. No personal information will be sold for commercial / profit-making purpose without prior consent of the writers.
  • All Entries should be submitted electronically to Email subject header should be stated as: The "WRITE" Career: "Article Topic"
  • Entrant is responsible for up-to-date contact information at the time of entry. Careersgo Pte Ltd is not responsible for entrant's non-receipt of notification emails for any reason, including but not limited to, server or email malfunctions.
  • Careersgo Pte Ltd reserves the right to extend the entry deadline.
  • Careersgo Pte Ltd reserves the right to mention or not mention anyone honorably
  • Contestants to the competition must be agreeable to the publishing and uploading of their essays on If you do not wish to have your article published, please do not submit it.
  • All submitted entries will remain the intellectual property of Careersgo Pte Ltd. Careersgo Pte Ltd will own the electronic archiving rights and publication rights on any printed or web-based media.
  • Writers of their own original essays may reserve the right to reproduce, republish, upload, post or transmit their own submitted essays for any non-commercial / non-profit making purpose. Careersgo Pte Ltd must be credited as the source under the following conditions:
  • Careersgo Pte Ltd's Logo AND/OR Company Name to be displayed clearly and legibly as the source in the article.
  • Careersgo Pte Ltd's website address ( to be displayed clearly and legibly as the source in the article.
  • Original content of essay is not to be modified in any way.
  • The essays will be assessed in confidence by an independent panel of judges. No appeals will be entertained.
  • Careersgo Pte Ltd editorial board reserves the right to edit essays selected for publication.

For queries/ submissions:

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