The 2013-2014 Charles Wallace Fellowship for Writers and Translators (India)

19 September 2012
The 2013-2014 Charles Wallace Fellowship for Writers and Translators (India)
Deadline: varies for each university, mostly 30 September 2012

These enable academics, writers and translators to spend between two and three months at selected universities where they can devote themselves to their own work and to interacting with colleagues.

There are ten fellowships. Each is intended to be mutually beneficial and the fellow is expected to contribute to the life of the host institution eg by leading a seminar in which they present their research or writing.

Fellows are chosen by agreement between the host institution and CWIT. Applications should be made direct to the university ( see below for general guidance but also go to the links to the universities)

The fellowships cover a contribution to international fares and accommodation and living costs in the UK.

WHO IS ELIGIBLE? Applicants must:
  • be Indian citizens living in India
  • be between 25 and 45 ( except for translator fellowships for which there is no upper age limit)
  • have completed postgraduate studies in their area of specialization and/or have between 5-7 years professional or academic experience
  • include a proposal stating clearly what they want to do at the host institution and how they plan to use the experience on return to India
  • not have had a CWIT grant for the previous 5 years
Applications for all the above should be made direct to the universities using the links provided. Deadlines vary slightly and are indicated on the linked pages of the respective institutions. Please consult university websites for information.


For queries/ submissions: see links to partner universities/ institutions above

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