The 2012 Fo Guang Shan Essay Writing Contest (P5,000 top prize | Philippines)

19 September 2012
The 2012 Fo Guang Shan Essay Writing Contest (P5,000 top prize | Philippines)
Deadline: 31 December 2012

The Fo Guang Shan Essay Writing Contest 2012 aims to understand the Buddhist view of the meaning, grandeur, and mystery of life, while applying those views in different arenas of contemporary society. The contest is open to all writers, students or professionals. Expounding on Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s ideas presented in the book Politics, Human Rights, and What the Buddha Said about Life, essays must explore how the Buddha’s teachings can be practiced in daily life.

REQUIREMENTS: The writer must obtain a copy of the book Politics, Human Rights, and What the Buddha Said about Life by Venerable Master Hsing Yun. The book Life flows effortlessly between Buddhist theory and practice, and between history and personal experience, while entering a deep exploration of topics that few Buddhist leaders dare to investigate: human rights, education, politics, and freedom.

  • Entry must be between 500-800 words in English or Chinese, word-processed on A4 sized bond paper, using Arial font, size 12. The document must NOT include any information about the author.
  • If submitting a hard copy, place in a brown envelope bearing the author’s name, address, contact numbers (home, work, mobile), email address and the title of the essay on the envelope’s flap.
  • If submitting a soft copy, email it as a Word document, while author’s name, address, contact numbers, and title of the essay shall be written in the email body text.
ORIGINALITY: Participant warrants that his or her entry is original, has not been published in any medium and has not won an award. Otherwise, the winning title and prize will be revoked.

  • Content – Accordance with and interpretation of ideas presented in the book — 50%
  • Style – Originality, eloquence, choice of words, impact — 30%
  • Form – Grammar, spelling, punctuation, coherence — 20%
  • By courier or in person: Fo Guang Shan Mabuhay Temple, 656 P. Ocampo St., Manila
  • By email: (Subject: “Life”)

Winners will be awarded with the following:
  • First Prize – Php 5,000 and Certificate of Recognition
  • Second Prize – Php 4,000 and Certificate of Recognition
  • Third Prize – Php 3,000 and Certificate of Recognition
All winning entries and all rights to their publication become the property of FGS/BLIA Philippines, which may use, edit and publish them in print and online media with due credit given to their authors, but without compensation.


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