Deadline: 21 October 2012 (submissions open October 8th)
Eco-Generation would like to announce the launch of the 5th Eco-Generation Environmental Essay Competition. We hope this competition will motivate children and youth around the world to think once again about young people's action to mitigate climate change. Winners aged 14 - 16 will be invited to the 2013 Global Youth for the Environment Forum to be held in Seoul, Korea, fully sponsored by Samsung Engineering.
Unlike the previous competitions, the 5th Eco-Generation Environmental Essay Competition has been divided into two sections: Korean Domestic Competition and Overseas Competition.
For submissions: via the online application page
Eco-Generation would like to announce the launch of the 5th Eco-Generation Environmental Essay Competition. We hope this competition will motivate children and youth around the world to think once again about young people's action to mitigate climate change. Winners aged 14 - 16 will be invited to the 2013 Global Youth for the Environment Forum to be held in Seoul, Korea, fully sponsored by Samsung Engineering.
Unlike the previous competitions, the 5th Eco-Generation Environmental Essay Competition has been divided into two sections: Korean Domestic Competition and Overseas Competition.
- Winner announcement: November 11, 2012
- Topic: How climate change affects our life: climate change and my efforts towards sustainable life
- Eligibility: Tunza Eco-Generation members around the world.
- Length and format: Your essay must not be longer than 1,500 words.
- Korean Minister's Prize for Korean domestic competition
- UNEP ROAP Director's Prize for overseas competition
- Samsung Engineering CEO's Prize
- Eco-generation Prize
For submissions: via the online application page