The 5th Eco-Generation Environmental Essay Competition: Win a Trip to Korea

20 August 2012
The 5th Eco-Generation Environmental Essay Competition: Win a Trip to Korea
The Global Youth for the Environment Forum planned by Samsung Engineering's Eco-generation aims to foster the networks between active Eco-leaders and enhancing cooperation crossing the world. In the forum, participants will attend diverse classes consists of motivational speech by pole to pole trip adventurers and prominent producers, professors and celebrities who try to save the nature via various activities.

Win a trip to the 2013 Global Youth for the Environment Forum in Seoul, Korea in February next year by participating in the 5th Eco-generation Environmental Essay Competition. Details of the competition will be announced on August 31 on Tunza Eco-Generation's website. Participants will compete for the following awards: the Korean Minister's Prize for Korean domestic competition, the UNEP ROAP Director's Prize for overseas competition, the Samsung Engineering CEO's Prize, and more.


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