Starts August 10 | Mizna Arab American Literature Forum Presents Silaat/ Connections Writing Workshop (Minnesota)

02 August 2012
Starts August 10 | Mizna Arab American Literature Forum Presents Silaat/ Connections Writing Workshop (Minnesota)
Date: 10 - 12 August 2012

Mizna is proud to announce the launch of Silaat/Connections, a new community program that will explore the creative and cultural needs of the Twin Cities Arab and Muslim communities.

To kick off Silaat, Arab Canadian writer and thinker Joe Kadi will perform a community reading, co-sponsored by the Loft Literary Center. Joe will also lead a weekend writing workshop for members of the Arab and Muslim communities. Joe has been a long-time member of the Mizna community, and we are excited to welcome him back to the Twin Cities from him home in Calgary, for a weekend of reading, writing, and community!

August 10, 2012, 7:30 p.m.
Open Book, 1011 Washington Ave S, Minneapolis, MN 55415
$10/$8 students
Co-sponsored by the Loft Literary Center

August 11 & 12, 2012, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Mizna, 2446 University Ave W, St. Paul, MN 55114
$40/$25 students, LUNCH INCLUDED
Arab and/or Muslim writers, register now!

ABOUT THE WORKSHOP: The primary goal for the workshop will be to help both beginning and established writers to hone their craft: to understand ourselves as creative beings, to consider the importance of writing routines, to gain skills at revising and editing, and to understand writing in all of its fullness. The workshop will consist of writing exercises, physical movement, small group work, and discussions about revising and editing. Critical thinking about all elements of writing, and the importance of supportive connections, will be stressed. Come prepared to write, to work, to learn, and to have fun. Also, participants are asked to wear comfortable, loose clothes to the workshop, and bring a towel or yoga mat.

Joe Kadi is a teacher, writer and editor living in Calgary, Alberta. He is the editor of Food For Our Grandmothers: Writings by Arab-American and Arab-Canadian Feminists, and the author of Thinking Class: Sketches from a Cultural Worker, both published by South End Press. He lived for a number of years in the Twin Cities, and regularly participated in readings and performances of Arab/Asian writers and poets. He believes in the creative force, transformative justice, and the power of community.

ABOUT SILAAT: Through a series of dialogs and writing workshops with the Arab and Muslim communities, Mizna hopes to help foster a creative community and investigate the existing barriers to arts participation. Stay tuned for more!

Link: online registration


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