Deadline August 15 | The First Independent Thought National Essay Competition 2012 (Rs.23,000 in prizes | India)

11 August 2012
Deadline August 15 | The First Independent Thought National Essay Competition 2012 (Rs.23,000 in prizes | India)
Deadline: 15 August 2012

(Note: this competition is open to all students having interest in Law, Development and Human Rights.)
Recent nationwide movement for strengthening governance and establishing rule of law through an effective legislation on Lokpal has cemented the position of civil society in law-making process, which is traditionally supposed to be territory of legislature alone.

The introduction of role of civil society in law enacting process may strengthen efficiency and effectiveness of legal framework which has been a matter of concern in governance.

Civil society engages with masses in sundry ways, including interactions, formal and informal.

One potential way of engagement is to encourage young and budding “lawyer-in-making” to participate in thought consolidation process.

There is no denial that law making is a critical and a technical process and there is a need to engage with the jurists and legal experts.

iThought intends to present a platform to young and promising legal minds to participate in nation-building process by treading with civil society. This is imperative for giving life to the hidden spirit of the term “We the People”.

The proposed essay competition will facilitate in accumulating view-points on contemporary socially relevant issues, which are pledged to be governed thorough an established legal system.


Protection of Children from S3xual Offences – Law and its effectiveness

Incidents in recent times highlighted the malady of child abuse in the Indian society. Child abuse is a phenomenon of undermining the dignity of child as an individual and a member of society.

Neglected influence of child on political landscape of the country raises a debate about the obligations of childcare and protection. Traditionally, childcare and protection is understood under the domain of families and communities.

The Constitution of India guarantees fundamental rights to children, including a directive of imparting primary education in mother language.

Ideals of the Constitution are left to be fulfilled through values and cultural surrounding in which a child is born and brought up.

Law as a tool to ensure social restructuring and to build a civilized society must address the issue of child abuse in all earnest and sincerity.

The pernicious effect of child abuse will rob the effect of development and destroy the progress of the society.

Legal instruments are required to address the issues and challenges of child abuse by considering child as a subject matter of right and not a matter of paternal care.

As a fast emerging progressive society, there is a need to construct legal regime to adequately address upon different kind of child abuses, such as physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse and like.

In this background, iThought attempts to ignite socio-legal minds to examine efficacy and efficiency of the existing legal regime relating to child abuse and also to highlight the need of a new legal regime, if any, to ensure a status of child in a legal framework in addition to parental care at home.

  • Constitution, Rights and Children
  • Protection of Children – Law and Beyond
  • Children – Who Owns their Responsibility
  • Viability of present Legal System vis-à-vis Rights of Children
  • Need of reform in Legislative framework


Three Best Thoughts will be provided with cash prizes:
  • Best thought: Rs. 10,000
  • Second best thought: Rs. 8,000
  • Third best thought: Rs. 5,000

Best 15 Thoughts will be published in the months to come. Twenty top eligible entries will be recognized through Certificate of Participation. Students with three best thoughts will be part of the first level adjudicating process in year 2013.


All essays should not be more than 5000 words, with clear mention of number of words in the end. The essay should be written in font Times Roman Size 12 with margin of 1 inch, with page number.

The essay should have standard citations, footnotes and reference details (not included within word limit). Any work other than original of the author will be disqualified.

All submissions should be made in both word and format, along with details of author in footnote (such as name, year, Law school/college/univ).

Last date of submission is 15 August 2012 (Independence Day!)

All queries and submission should be made at


  • Prof. (Dr.) MP Singh, Renowned Constitutional Expert and Chairperson, Delhi Judicial Academy
  • Prof. BB Pande, former Proffesor, University of Delhi
  • Prof. S. V. Joga Rao, Dean, RGSOIPL, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
  • Prof. (Dr.) Manoj Kumar Sinha, WB NUJS, Kolkata; Secretary, All India Law Teachers Congress
  • Dr. Uday Shankar, RGSOIPL, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
  • Vikram Srivastava, Child Rights Advocate and Founder, Independent Thought


Independent Thought (iThought – is a National Human Rights organization working towards equity, justice and mutual respect.

Based in Delhi NCR, iThought provides technical and handholding support to non government, government and multilateral Funding, Policy, Research and Grassroots organizations in several states of India.

iThought has a small team of multidisciplinary professionals and consultants with expertise in the areas of Law & Development with special focus on Rights of Children and Governance (ULB, PRI, Schedule Areas and Conflict Areas).


For queries/ submissions:

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