We extend the invitation to join the chain of events for the 3rd "Woman’ Scream" International Poetry Festival by Women Poets International Movement (MPI). This festival aims to bring together men and women poets in various countries, to pay a fitting tribute to women and to contribute with messages against violence. Musicians, actors, and other artists are welcome to contribute in the events to work together in favor of the cause. Woman’s Scream it’s made from 1st. to the 31st of March remaining as responsibility of the organizers to select the day or days that suits them best to plan their event. Woman’ Screams events are planned by our Goodwill Ambassadors and followers worldwide, and eventually, we invite other poetry groups and organizations to join the cause.
People who want to take part must ask for the Woman’ Scream 2013’s written terms and must be 100% committed with the purpose and assume this important role as an act of solidarity in favor of necessary cause. The last festival in March 2012 was attended by 30 countries and 95 events were planned worldwide in several languages and cities.
We invite you to join the cause in a serious committed way, and to help us spread this message to those who can support and join this cause. We extent this new calling to join, and ask for the help of all of you, to make this message be heard to people interested in becoming part of what we do.

For queries/ submissions: mujerespoetasinternacional@gmail.com
Website: http://womanscream.blogspot.com/
People who want to take part must ask for the Woman’ Scream 2013’s written terms and must be 100% committed with the purpose and assume this important role as an act of solidarity in favor of necessary cause. The last festival in March 2012 was attended by 30 countries and 95 events were planned worldwide in several languages and cities.
We invite you to join the cause in a serious committed way, and to help us spread this message to those who can support and join this cause. We extent this new calling to join, and ask for the help of all of you, to make this message be heard to people interested in becoming part of what we do.

For queries/ submissions: mujerespoetasinternacional@gmail.com
Website: http://womanscream.blogspot.com/