The Premyo Rizal Essay Writing Contest (organized by DepEd | Philippines)

29 July 2012
The Premyo Rizal Essay Writing Contest (organized by DepEd | Philippines)
Deadline: 30 September 2012

In celebration of the 151st Birth Anniversary and 116th death anniversary of Dr Jose Rizal, the national hero, the My Rizal Committee together with the DepEd – Special Program and Projects Office shall conduct the 2012 Premyo Rizal Essay Writing Contest for high school, 3rd year and 4th years. The contest aims to:
  • Deepen student awareness of Jose Rizal both as a here and as an ordinary person
  • Enable them to appreciate, internalize the video entitled “Kaninong Anino” to be able to relate the story to the life, works, ideals and teachings of the country’s national hero.

Entries must be written in English, typewritten, double-spaced on 8 1/2 x 11 bond paper, using Arial, Times New Roman or Book Antigua with 12 font size.

Each school shall conduct a school-based competition. One (1) winner from each school shall compete for the division level. The first placer from the division level shall proceed to the regional level competition. The national level competition shall be participated in by regional winners - 3 per region.

All entries must be submitted no later than September 30, 2012 through mail addressed to:

Elena R. Ruiz
Assistant Secretary for Programs and Projects
Attention: Luzviminda F. Dela Rosa
Project Development Office (PDO) III
Special Programs and Projects Office (SPAPO)
Department of Education (DepEd)
Room 505, 5th Floor Bonifacio Building
DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue, Pasic City

All entries must be accompanied by the following requirements:
  • A certification from the principal that the contestant is enrolled in the current School Year (SY 2012-2013);
  • Scanned image ofthe student and principal's school ID or any valid IDs; and
  • Accomplished entry form

Download: DepEd memorandum/ entry form


For submissions: see mailing address above

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