Deadline: 15 November 2012 (fall/ winter issue), 15 May 2013 (spring/ summer issue)
Moonbathing Issue 7 is now accepting submissions. Moonbathing Issue 7 has the Annual Moonbathing Contest. Please send one tanka on the theme of: "moonbathing" however you interpret it with your regular submission. Please label the contest tanka. The winner will receive a year's subscription to Moonbathing.
SUBMISSION GUIDELINES: Moonbathing will feature only women poets. Send a maximum of 10 tanka per submission period. No previously published tanka or simultaneous submissions; no tanka that has been posted on-line, on Facebook/Twitter or on a personal website/blog. Send your tanka IN THE BODY OF AN E-MAIL to: Pamela A. Babusci: moongate44(at)gmail(dot)com PLEASE NO ATTACHMENTS. E-mail submissions ONLY.
DISCLAIMER: Moonbathing does not assume liability for copyright infringement or failure to acknowledge previously published tanka.
For queries/ submissions:
Moonbathing Issue 7 is now accepting submissions. Moonbathing Issue 7 has the Annual Moonbathing Contest. Please send one tanka on the theme of: "moonbathing" however you interpret it with your regular submission. Please label the contest tanka. The winner will receive a year's subscription to Moonbathing.
SUBMISSION GUIDELINES: Moonbathing will feature only women poets. Send a maximum of 10 tanka per submission period. No previously published tanka or simultaneous submissions; no tanka that has been posted on-line, on Facebook/Twitter or on a personal website/blog. Send your tanka IN THE BODY OF AN E-MAIL to: Pamela A. Babusci: moongate44(at)gmail(dot)com PLEASE NO ATTACHMENTS. E-mail submissions ONLY.
DISCLAIMER: Moonbathing does not assume liability for copyright infringement or failure to acknowledge previously published tanka.
For queries/ submissions: