Call for Contributors: The Yeats Journal of Korea

07 July 2012
Call for Contributors: The Yeats Journal of Korea
The Yeats Journal of Korea, the peer-reviewed journal of the Yeats Society, is calling for contributions on a variety of Yeats-related topics.

The Yeats Journal of Korea, an International Journal of Yeats and Modern Literature, (YJK) is published by the Yeats Society of Korea (YSK). YJK's ISSN is1226-4946; Website is As a scholarly peer-reviewed and printed journal dedicated to advancing creative, critical, and theoretical thoughts and ideas on Yeats and Modern literatures, it provides a forum for textual, authorial, reader-oriented, interdisciplinary, cross-cultural, global, and philosophical examinations of all subject matters related to Yeats’s poetry and prose and Modern literatures that have bearings on him. The YJK was first published 20 years ago in December 1991.

The list of editors includes: Daniel Albright, Edward Larrissy, Elizabeth Bergman Loizeaux, James Longenbach, Joseph M. Hassett, Klaus Peter Jochum, Linda Lay Pratt, Anthony Roche, Ronald Schuchard, Anne Fogarty, Margaret Mills Harper, Lianggong Luo, Charles Armstrong, Kazuhiro Doki, Rajeev S. Patke, William C. Pratt, Jerry Weng, Peter Mathews, Jooseong Kim, Young Suck Rhee, and a host of Korean scholars. (Please visit The YJK welcomes diverse approaches to reading Yeats and related writers and their works. The YSK further aims at combining Western and non-Western perspectives to read Yeats and Modern literatures for international readers and educators. The YJK is published tri-annually: Spring (April), Fall (August), and Winter (December). The YJK welcomes articles on a variety of subjects in the following categories:

1. [Critical] Biography (Ellmann, Jeffares, Henn, R. F. Foster, Terence Brown, Brenda Maddox, James Longenbach, Ronald Schuchard)

2. Theories and Practices of Poetry and Prose (Vendler, Wood, Brian Devine, Nicholas Greene, C. K. Stead, Rama N. Rai)

3. Formalism and New Criticism (Vendler, A. Walton Litz, Charles Armstrong, Vereen M. Bell, Young Suck Rhee)

4. Moral Issues (Lee Oser, Sean Heuston, Alasdair MacIntyre, D. Bruce Lockerbie, Peter Mathews)

5. Democracy, Nationalism, Fascism, and Imperialism (Grattan Freyer, Jonathan Allison, Michael Tratner)

6. Aesthetical Issues (Edward Engelberg, Bernard Levine, Okifumi Komesu, Christa Davis Acampora)

7. Mysticism, the Occult, and Religion (Peter A. Smith, George M. Harper, Margaret Harper, Hazard Adams, Barbara L. Croft, Dwight H. Purdy, Graham Hough, Peter Ure, Abinash Chandra Bose, Claire Nally, Kathryn R. Kremen, Cho Mina)

8. Cultures, Civilization, Humanity, and History (Thomas R. Whitaker, Elaine Scarry, Karl Fugelso, Mark Thornton Burnett)

9. Woman, Gender, Friendship, Love, and Feminism (Cullingford, Majorie Howe, Joseph M. Hassett, John R. Moore, Anthony Bradley)

10. Eastern and Western Philosophy and Psychology (Shri Purohit, Shalini Sikka, Robert Snukal, Webster, James Olney, Hamish Canham, Kim Jooseoung)

11. Medievalism, Classicism, Romanticism, and Modernism (Michael Alexander, Vendler, George Bornstein, Adele M. Dalsimer, Miranda B. Hickman, Partricia Silva-McNeil, Rupin W. Desai, Linda Pratt, Kazuhiro Doki, Jerry Weng, Lee Han-Mook)

12. Theories of Languages, Ontology, and Hermeneutics (William D. Melaney, Richard Kearney, Daniel T. O’Hara, Tae Ho Han)

13. Ecological Thoughts (Anne Buttimer, J. Scot Bryson, Frank Barron, Oona Frawley, Young Suck Rhee)

14. Post-colonialism (Rajeev S. Patke, Jahan Ramazani, Deborah Fleming, Richard Begam, Edward Said, Martin McKinsey, Lianggong Luo)

15. Structuralism and Post-Structuralism, Modernism and Post-Modernism, and Marxism and Post-Marxism (Daniel Albright, Anne Fogarty, Donald Davie, Calvin Bedient, Leonard Orr, Richard Machin, Kathleen McGrory, R. Shah, A. E. Dyson, Donald J. Childs)

17. Globalization, Localization, and Polarization (Joseph McMinn, Harish Trivedi, Declan Kiberd, John Brannigan, Hong Sung Sook)

18. Science and Humanity, and Art (Daniel Albright, Michael Golston, Karen Schiff)

19. Violence, Patriotism, and Militarism (Michael Wood, Paul S. Stanfield, Lucy McDiarmid)

20. Art, Poetry, and Other Interdisciplinary Issues (Giorgio Melchiori, Elizabeth Loizeaux, Terri A. Mester, Hilary Pyle, Brian Kennedy, James Steward, Edward Hirsch, Young Suck Rhee)

21. Text, Deconstruction, and Reader-Oriented Criticism (Paul de Man, J. Hillis Miller, Eamonn Dunne, Kim Youngmin, Yoon Ilhwan)

22. Author, [Auto]-Biography, History, and Text (George Brandan Saul, Jochum, Jeffares)

23. Folklore and History (R. F. Foster, Isabella Augusta Gregory, Mary H. Thuente, B. Bjersby, Birgit Bramsbaeck, William C. Pratt)

24. English, Irish, Other Languages, and Translation (Ezra Pound, James J. Blake, Masaru Sekine, Edward Davis, Steven G. Yao)

25. Poetic Language and Common Language (Seamus Heaney, Warwick Gould, Roman Jakobson, Lucy Collins)

26. Prosody, Poems, and Plays (Jon Stallworthy, Vendler, Perloff, Michael Goldston, Peter Ure, Taylor, Saul, Gina Masucci MacKenzie, Martin Revermann, Anthony Roche, Yun Kiho, Lee Hyungseob, Rim Dohyun, Rhee Beau La)

27. Editing (Richard J. Finneran, Jon Stallworthy, Yoo Baekyun)

28. Thoughts and Poetic Language (Edward Larrissy, Foster)

28. Other Related Issues

The list of topics above is suggestive, not exclusive. If you search for topics, please go to Books in Print and/or The Yeats Journal of Korea at the society’s website, and type the scholars, and you will see their books or chapters or articles. For more information on the YJK, please visit Besides, the YJK welcomes short notes (considered articles, though short) and book reviews, and also reviews recently received books and journals related to Yeats studies when you kindly send them to us at the following address. If you have any question, please ask the international editor.

Professor Young Suck Rhee,
General Coordinating Editor
(International Editor)
The Yeats Journal of Korea
Department of English Language and Literature
Hanyang University
Seoul 133-791, Korea
E-mail: or


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