Voices of Israel's 23rd Annual Reuben Rose Poetry Competition

09 June 2012
Voices of Israel's 23rd Annual Reuben Rose Poetry Competition
Deadline: 30 September 2012

Voices holds an annual competition in memory of Reuben Rose, the founding editor. Submissions are invited and will be judged this year by a panel of three independent judges. Cash prizes totaling $700 are awarded as well as publication of the winning poems and honorable mentions. This Year's competition opens on June 1st and closes for entries on 30th September 2012.


First prize - $500, second prize - $150, third prize - $50.

Ten honorable mentions. Prizewinners and all honorable mentions will be published in the Voices Israel 2013 Poetry Anthology.

  • The competition is general and not necessarily on Jewish or Israeli subjects.
  • Challenging, humorous and/or curious poetry is welcome.
  • Poems should be unpublished, no more than 40 lines, including stanza breaks but not including title.
  • Poems are judged anonymously
  • Poems arriving after the closing date will be automatically entered into the next year's contest.
  • Submission period: Competition poems must be received during the period June 1st. 2012 - September 30th. 2012.
  • Entry Fees:
  • Voices Israel members: US$5.00 for one poem, $10 for 3 poems, $15 for 6 poems.
  • Non members: US$6.00 for one poem, $12 for 3 poems, $18 for 6 poems.


You may submit 1, 3 or 6 poems per entry. You may send more than one entry if you wish but each entry must be submitted separately.
  • Pay the entry fee by PayPal or by check
  • Send your poems by typing or pasting them into the body of an email (NO ATTACHMENTS PLEASE).
  • All your poems should be typed into a single email.
  • The subject line of the email should contain your name plus the words Reuben Rose entry.
  • Please include all your contact details: full name, physical address and phone number at the top of the email. No identifying information should appear on or next to the poems themselves as they will be extracted and judged anonymously.
  • Note that the poems must be unpublished and not more than 40 lines long.
  • Please also state in your email whether you have paid by PayPal or will be sending a check.
  • Send your email to reubenrosepoetrycompetition@gmail.com

Link: entry fee payment


For queries/ submissions: reubenrosepoetrycompetition@gmail.com

Website: http://www.voicesisrael.com/
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