Free to Attend: The Duckbill Workshop on Writing for Children (German Book Office, India)

05 June 2012
Free to Attend: The Duckbill Workshop on Writing for Children (German Book Office, India)
Deadline to apply: 15 June 2012

Duckbill, in association with the German Book Office, is happy to announce the first in their series of workshops on writing for children.

LOCATION: Delhi, at the German Book Office, GF Back Unit Flat, 4/9 Shantiniketan, New Delhi 110057

DURATION: 28 to 30 June 2012, 9.30 am to 5 pm


CONDUCTED BY: Anushka Ravishankar and Sayoni Basu


Fiction for children; the target ages can be anything between 7 and 14 years. We are not, therefore, working with picture books or YA books.

The workshop is structured to give an overview of contemporary children’s literature, genres and trends, and an understanding of the craft of writing for children. The goal is to enable each participant to explore the kind of stories that they want to tell.

Within two weeks following the workshop, the participants have the option of submitting a synopsis and/or a few chapters of a book they want to write. We will give one-on-one feedback on each submission.

Duckbill would have first refusal on any manuscript originating out of the workshop.


We are looking for new, aspiring writers, who have not written/published substantially for children before. We welcome first-time writers, writers who’ve written in other genres or for other ages who’d like to try their hand at writing for these ages and writers who have done some writing for children. This is not a workshop aimed at established children’s authors.

Every applicant will be required to send a sample of their writing, in any genre (could be fiction/non-fiction, for children or adults).

In addition, they would have to send us the name of their favourite and least favourite book for children (only one each) that they have read, with a short note of not more than fifty words each, explaining the choice.

The minimum age for participants is 18 years.


The workshop is free. And generously hosted by the German Book Office.

Participants have the option of signing up for tea, snacks and lunch, which will be served during the workshop and will be charged on actuals.


Send an email to by 15 June, with the following details:

name, age, address, a sample of your writing (between 200 and 1000 words) and a write-up on your favourite and least favourite children’s books (maximum 100 words for both).


Participants will be given a reading list and should try to read as many of the books as possible before the workshop.


For queries/ submissions:

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