Deadline: 30 June 2012
The Competition Commission of India (CCI) is inviting entries from school, college and University level students for National Level Essay Competition 2012. Students can send their entries with a copy of their Student Identity Card by 30 June 2012. The result of the winners will be published on CCI's website in August. Students will be divided across 3 categories: Category A for students of class 11 and 12; Category B for undergraduate students; and Category C for students pursuing PG/ including Post Graduate Diplomas/ MPhil/ PhD/ CA/ CWA/ CS/ MBA.
The Competition is divided into three categories viz.
1.1 Essay entries submitted by the participants must be accompanied with a SCANNED COPY of student Identity Card. Entries received without a SCANNED COPY of student Identity Card shall summarily be rejected and no query, correspondence etc. pertaining to such entry(s) shall be entertained by the Commission under any circumstances.
1.2 The Essay Competition entries shall have to be on the topics provided in the Advertisement and submitted by prescribed date stipulated therein.
1.3 Collaborator papers of up to two persons are also welcome. Only one paper per participant or per collaboration team may be submitted. The prizes in such cases will be shared among the team members.
1.4 Entry to the competition shall be free.
1.5 Only one essay is allowed per participant or per collaborator team.
2.1 The e-submissions have to be sent, latest by 30th June, 2012 through email only at in ENGLISH language only.
2.2 Participants shall furnish the details as per ‘Entry Form’ (Annexure ‘A’ to these guidelines).
2.3 Submission sent by post/mail (hard copy) shall not be accepted.
2.4 Only original essays will be considered for the competition. Previously published essays shall be rejected outrightly. Any form of plagiarism will result in disqualification of the essay.
2.5 Length of Essay:
For Category ‘A’: The Essay should be within the limits of 750-1500 words.
For Category ‘B’ & ‘C’ : The essay should not be more than 3000 words including footnote. There is no minimum word limit, however, papers submitted in less than 1500 words are not encouraged.
2.6 Format Requirement:
2.6.1 Typed on a A4 size electronic page.
2.6.2 Font size shall be 12 points (English) in Times New Roman.
2.6.3 1.5 interlinear space
2.6.4 Margins of 2.54 cm on top, bottom and both sides.
2.7 Citations:
Participants may use any recognised style of referencing system and this must be consistently used through the Written Submission. The List of References shall include all cited texts throughout the Written Submission.
2.8 Scoring of the essay:
2.8.1 Following criteria may be used in assessing the documents:
2.8.2 The quality of language will not be a decisive factor, as long as the text retains its clarity and coherence.
2.9 Wards and relatives of employees of Competition Commission of India are NOT ELIGIBLE to participate in this competition.
3.1 CCI will honour each of the winner from each of the category with cash prizes as under:
Category A: (School Children of Class 11th & 12th)
Category B: (Undergraduate Students)
Category C: (Students pursuing PG/including Post Graduate Diplomas/ M.Phil/ PhD/ CA/CWA/ CS/ MBA)
3.2 All the winners of above prize(s) shall also be awarded a certificate of merit by the Commission. Names of the winners will be published on CCI’s website in the third week of August, 2012. Separate intimation will also be sent to each of the winner and prize money will only be given to those winners who submit attested/ certified copy of current Identity Card or a letter from his/her educational institution as proof of bonafide student. However all the participants will be given a letter of appreciation by the Commission for having participated in the Essay Competition.
4.1 All the essays submitted shall be exclusive property of CCI and Commission shall be free to use the information/ views therein in any manner it require.
5. Decision of the Competition Commission of India (CCI) in deciding the winner(s) in each category shall be final and binding and no query, correspondence etc. in this regard shall be entertained by the CCI.
6. CCI shall not be responsible for any essay(s) not received.
7. Laws of India with jurisdiction of courts at Delhi shall apply to this competition.
Note: Essays incompatible with the above rules and conditions will not be considered. Submission of entries to the competition implies acceptance of the above terms and conditions by the participant(s).
Download entry form here >>
For queries/ submissions:
The Competition Commission of India (CCI) is inviting entries from school, college and University level students for National Level Essay Competition 2012. Students can send their entries with a copy of their Student Identity Card by 30 June 2012. The result of the winners will be published on CCI's website in August. Students will be divided across 3 categories: Category A for students of class 11 and 12; Category B for undergraduate students; and Category C for students pursuing PG/ including Post Graduate Diplomas/ MPhil/ PhD/ CA/ CWA/ CS/ MBA.
The Competition is divided into three categories viz.
- Category ‘A’ – School Children of Class 11th & 12th .
- Category ‘B’- Undergraduate Students.
- Category‘C’- Students pursuing PG/including Post Graduate
- Diplomas/M.Phil/PhD/CA/CWA/CS/MBA.
1.1 Essay entries submitted by the participants must be accompanied with a SCANNED COPY of student Identity Card. Entries received without a SCANNED COPY of student Identity Card shall summarily be rejected and no query, correspondence etc. pertaining to such entry(s) shall be entertained by the Commission under any circumstances.
1.2 The Essay Competition entries shall have to be on the topics provided in the Advertisement and submitted by prescribed date stipulated therein.
1.3 Collaborator papers of up to two persons are also welcome. Only one paper per participant or per collaboration team may be submitted. The prizes in such cases will be shared among the team members.
1.4 Entry to the competition shall be free.
1.5 Only one essay is allowed per participant or per collaborator team.
2.1 The e-submissions have to be sent, latest by 30th June, 2012 through email only at in ENGLISH language only.
2.2 Participants shall furnish the details as per ‘Entry Form’ (Annexure ‘A’ to these guidelines).
2.3 Submission sent by post/mail (hard copy) shall not be accepted.
2.4 Only original essays will be considered for the competition. Previously published essays shall be rejected outrightly. Any form of plagiarism will result in disqualification of the essay.
2.5 Length of Essay:
For Category ‘A’: The Essay should be within the limits of 750-1500 words.
For Category ‘B’ & ‘C’ : The essay should not be more than 3000 words including footnote. There is no minimum word limit, however, papers submitted in less than 1500 words are not encouraged.
2.6 Format Requirement:
2.6.1 Typed on a A4 size electronic page.
2.6.2 Font size shall be 12 points (English) in Times New Roman.
2.6.3 1.5 interlinear space
2.6.4 Margins of 2.54 cm on top, bottom and both sides.
2.7 Citations:
Participants may use any recognised style of referencing system and this must be consistently used through the Written Submission. The List of References shall include all cited texts throughout the Written Submission.
2.8 Scoring of the essay:
2.8.1 Following criteria may be used in assessing the documents:
- Content – Originality: 65 % weighting
- Clarity: 15 % weighting
- Structure: 10 % weighting
- Overall impression: 10 % weighting
2.8.2 The quality of language will not be a decisive factor, as long as the text retains its clarity and coherence.
2.9 Wards and relatives of employees of Competition Commission of India are NOT ELIGIBLE to participate in this competition.
3.1 CCI will honour each of the winner from each of the category with cash prizes as under:
Category A: (School Children of Class 11th & 12th)
- First Prize - Rs.7500/-
- Second Prize-Rs.5000/-
- Third Prize- Rs.3000/- and
- 10 Consolation Prize of Rs.1500/- each
Category B: (Undergraduate Students)
- First Prize - Rs.10,000/-
- Second Prize-Rs.6000/-
- Third Prize- Rs.4000/- and
- 10 Consolation Prize of Rs.2000/- each
Category C: (Students pursuing PG/including Post Graduate Diplomas/ M.Phil/ PhD/ CA/CWA/ CS/ MBA)
- First Prize - Rs.15,000/-
- Second Prize-Rs.10,000/-
- Third Prize- Rs.6000/- and
- 10 Consolation Prize of Rs.2000/- each
3.2 All the winners of above prize(s) shall also be awarded a certificate of merit by the Commission. Names of the winners will be published on CCI’s website in the third week of August, 2012. Separate intimation will also be sent to each of the winner and prize money will only be given to those winners who submit attested/ certified copy of current Identity Card or a letter from his/her educational institution as proof of bonafide student. However all the participants will be given a letter of appreciation by the Commission for having participated in the Essay Competition.
4.1 All the essays submitted shall be exclusive property of CCI and Commission shall be free to use the information/ views therein in any manner it require.
5. Decision of the Competition Commission of India (CCI) in deciding the winner(s) in each category shall be final and binding and no query, correspondence etc. in this regard shall be entertained by the CCI.
6. CCI shall not be responsible for any essay(s) not received.
7. Laws of India with jurisdiction of courts at Delhi shall apply to this competition.
Note: Essays incompatible with the above rules and conditions will not be considered. Submission of entries to the competition implies acceptance of the above terms and conditions by the participant(s).
Download entry form here >>
For queries/ submissions: