Deadline June 15 | The INR50,000 4th ENSAYO South Asian Essay Writing Competition

07 June 2012
Deadline June 15 | The INR50,000 4th ENSAYO South Asian Essay Writing Competition
Deadline: 15 June 2012

The ENSAYO Essay competition is open to students from the disciplines of Mass Media, Journalism, Law, Political Science, Sociology, Psychology, Defense Studies, International Relations, and Medical Sciences from Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Myanmar, Nepal, Iran, Pakistan and Sri Lanka.


Ensayo 2012 (4th South Asian Essay Writing Competition on International Humanitarian Law) is being organized by the Centre for Advanced Study in International Humanitarian Law (CASH), RGNUL in collaboration with the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), Regional Delegation for South Asia, New Delhi, India.

The ENSAYO Essay competition is open to students from the disciplines of Law, Political Science, Sociology, Psychology, Defence Studies, International Relations, Medical Sciences, Mass Media and Journalism from Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Myanmar, Nepal, Iran, Pakistan and Sri Lanka.


Certain weapons continue to injure and kill even long after hostility has ended. Explosive Remnants of War (ERW) are one such weapon that remain and continue to take innocent lives. ERW is a term used in the humanitarian aid and sustainable development domain to describe the explosive i.e. threats remaining in post-conflict society. It comprises artillery shells, grenades, motor bombs, cluster munitions, rockets and missile.

The difficulty with ERW is that it is a constant danger to civilians and has grown steadily in the past few years and today an estimate of 84 countries are facing the long term problems caused by ERW. Every year these unexploded and abandoned explosive miscellanies of war claim the lives and limbs of thousands of men, women and children indiscriminately. This inflicts tremendous fear and economic hardship. Countries like Laos, Cambodia, Kosovo, Iraq, Afghanistan, Lebanon and many more have experienced severe casualty due to these weapons.

Despite several movements internationally, there continues to be no comprehensive solution to address completely humanitarian concerns. In this context, the role of States and Organizations such as ICRC, National Red Cross/ Crescent Societies and NGO’s increases manifold in spreading awareness regarding the hazards involved in using such lethal weapons which takes lives not only of the military/ army personnel but also of the people living in and around the affected areas. Another important aspect in limiting the menace caused by such weapons is to ensure that the states must adhere to international treaties, clear the affected areas, reduce risk and assist the victims.

All these are limited areas of concerns related to the use of deadly and explosive remnants of war that needs a continuous debate and discussion and commitment amongst the international community.

  • The ENSAYO Essay competition is open to students from the disciplines of Law, Political Science, Sociology, Psychology, Defense Studies, International Relations, Medical Sciences, Mass Media and Journalism from Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Myanmar, Nepal, Iran, Pakistan and Sri Lanka.
  • Each participant shall be permitted to submit only one individual entry.
  • Joint entries shall not be permitted.
  • There is no Registration Fee for the competition.
  • To participate in the essay competition, participants must submit their essay along with the required details by June 15, 2012. Click here to browse the registration form.
  • The Essay should be submitted in MS WORD format only.
  • The last date of submission is June 15, 2012 latest by 23:59 hours Indian Standard Time. Submissions will be accepted till two days after the last date of submission, with a penalty of 1 mark per day.
  • The essay must contain an abstract not exceeding 200 words mentioning the key issues and setting out the main conclusions reached.
  • No part of the essay (except the cover page) should contain any form of identification of the participant.
  • There is no hard-copy submission of the essay.

  • The participants may chose to write on any topic within the ambit of the broader theme of the competition i.e. "Explosive Remnants of War"
  • Submission must not exceed 3500 words (exclusive of footnotes).
  • Violation of the word limit will result in a penalty of 1 marks per 50 words exceeded.
  • The essay must include references in the form of footnotes. The Oxford Standard for Citation of Legal Authorities (OSCOLA) should be followed for the citations. A copy of OSCOLA can be accessed at: or Click here to DOWNLOD the copy of OSCOLA.
  • All submissions must be original and bona fide work of the participants; plagiarism will result in automatic disqualifications. The contestants by entering in the contest agree to indemnify the organisers from and against all claims, suits, and damages based on any claim of copyright infringement or plagiarism or unauthorized use.
  • All entries shall be considered to be the property of the Centre for Advanced Study in International Humanitarian Law (CASH) which reserves the right of publication of the same in any book, journal or in any other manner as it may deem appropriate, without providing any royalty or compensation.
  • The essay should not have been submitted in any other competition and/or for publication whatsoever.
  • All the essays should follow the following Specifications:

  • Text & Footnote: Times New Roman
  • Font Size: Text: 12
  • Footnote: 10
  • Line Spacing: 1.5
  • Alignment: Justify
  • Footnoting Style: The Oxford Standard for Citation of Legal Authorities (OSCOLA)


Each essay will be marked on a total of 100 marks. The marking criteria for the entries shall be as follows:-
  • Ingenuity/ Originality: 30 Marks
  • Quality of Research: 30 Marks
  • Structure and Clarity: 20 Marks
  • English/ Grammar: 10 Marks
  • Presentation (Formatting): 10 Marks

  • A certificate of merit and cash prizes shall be awarded to each of the three best essays.
  • Certificate of participation will be given to all participants.
  • All winners shall be duly intimated by e-mail.

The cash prizes shall be as follows:
  • First Prize: INR 25,000/-
  • Second Prize: INR 15,000/-
  • Third Prize: INR 10,000/-


For submissions: submit online here

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