Training Course in Book Publishing (National Book Trust - India)

16 May 2012
Training Course in Book Publishing (National Book Trust - India)
Deadline: 10 June 2012

The Publishing Industry of India is one of the largest in the world. An industry that is at once strong and vibrant, both in English and other Indian languages. The phenomenal growth of publishing in the last few decades, the coming up of more and more new publishing houses catering to specialised areas and the increasing global visibility of Indian writings have combined to create a need to produce and market books more professionally, offering a wide array of lucrative employment opportunities. Today there is a clear need for trained professionals in different areas of publishing editing, production, design, sales and marketing.

In order to meet this demand, National Book Trust, India (NBT) has been organising courses in publishing throughout the country. An autonomous organisation under the Ministry of Human Resource Development, NBT was established in 1957 by the Government of India, with the objective to promote books and the habit of reading in the country. Besides publishing, which forms its major activity, the NBT is also involved in a number of book promotional activities, like organising book exhibitions, both in India and abroad. NBT also organises the biennial New Delhi World Book Fair, considered to be the largest book fair in the Afro-Asian region.

The 4-week training course in Book Publishing aims to give the participants an overview of publishing. Hands-on experience and interactive sessions form an important segment of the course. Effective and participatory interaction is ensured through case studies, group discussions, project work and visits to publishing houses.The course is designed suitably, keeping in view the needs of the industry in the Indian context. Besides strengthening the knowledge in different aspects of publishing, the course also helps the participants to take up publishing as a career.
  • if you have an aptitude for quiet work and a flair for writing then the editorial desk is the place to head for
  • if hard sell be your line then marketing is your forte and
  • if you have a bit of both, you would do well to function as a promoter of ideas
  • for books, a sponsoring editor
  • if it’s machines, paper and computers and design that fascinate you, you’ll feel
  • comfortable in the production department


The course includes
  • the history of publishing
  • electronic publishing
  • business and financial aspects of publishing
  • the organisation and structure of a publishing house
  • editorial processes
  • copyright issues
  • book production and design
  • warehousing and inventory
  • book promotion and publicity
  • book distribution
  • sales and marketing

The course would provide an opportunity to come in contact with key people in the
publishing industry today. We also hope a sizeable absorption of students in the industry as many publishers are keen to recruit people. Many of our participants are now holding responsible positions in renowned publishing houses of the country. Therefore the opportunities are immense.

Faculty Members of the faculty are drawn from leading publishing houses in India; specialised institutions and universities. They will provide insight into various aspects of book publishing.

Sessions Sessions will be held in the premises of the National Book Trust, India, Nehru Bhawan, 5 Institutional Area Phase II, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi - 110 070 from 9.30 am to 5.00 pm, Monday to Saturday for four weeks from 2 July 2012. Background materials for the lectures and further reading lists would be provided to the students.


The Trust has also made arrangements to send candidates for training to different
publishing houses as intern. Internship would be offered to deserving candidates subject to selection of candidates by the publishers. The Internship would begin from 1 August 2012 for two months. Candidates interested in joining the internship may kindly indicate their willingness on the application form along with their field of preference.


The course is open to young graduates who are directly or indirectly attached with the trade and are inclined to learn more about it; and to new entrants in publishing who may wish to gain an overall view of the profession where a bright future awaits them. The applicants would be short-listed on the basis of the questionnaire and a writeup on the topic as given in the application form and thereafter would be called for an interview for the final selection. The decision of the Selection Committee will be final and binding. No enquiries in this regard would be entertained.

Provision for boarding facilities are available on request for the out station participants (except NCR) at the NBT Guest House at Vasant Kunj, on nominal payment, subject to availability of rooms.

The application fee is Rs 100/- and the course fee is Rs 5,000/- to be paid at the time of enrolment by Demand Draft drawn in favour of National Book Trust, India, payable at New Delhi. To be considered, just fill in the enrolment form and send it to us at the address given below . Further information can be had from Assistant Director (Training), National Book Trust, India.

National Book Trust, India
Nehru Bhawan, 5 Institutional Area, Phase II
Vasant Kunj, New Delhi - 110 070

Download: application form


For inquiries: call 26707700 or 26707825

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