Open to Independent Arab Screenwriters: The 8th Round of Rawi Screenwriters' Lab (MENA/ Gulf)

02 May 2012
Open to Independent Arab Screenwriters: The 8th Round of Rawi Screenwriters' Lab (MENA/ Gulf)
Deadline: 1 July 2012

In 2005 the Royal Film Commission - Jordan (RFC) launched Rawi (Storyteller), a screenplay development lab, in consultation with the Sundance Institute. Independent Arab screenwriters (Fellows) are offered the chance to develop their work in a uniquely creative environment under the guidance of internationally acclaimed screenwriters from all over the world (Creative Advisors).

At the beginning of autumn each year, fellows and advisors descend into the depths of Jordan's southern desert, to the remote eco-lodge of Wadi Feynan, where for five days, they work intensively on their feature narrative screenplays. Each fellow will have a one-on-one story session with the lab's creative advisors. The advisors’ guidance ranges from improving the fellow's technique as a screenwriter, to life lessons and practical suggestions to be explored in their next draft. Emphasis is placed on each fellow's individual voice and story.

  • The eighth round of Rawi Screenwriters’ Lab will take place in November 14-18th 2012 in Wadi Feynan Eco-Lodge in Jordan.
  • Submission is open from April 1st till July 1st 2012.
  • Submission deadline is July 1st 2012.

  • Rawi Screenwriters’ Lab is open for screenwriters, co-writers, or writers /directors.
  • Screenwriters working on their first or second narrative feature screenplay can apply.
  • Only Arab screenwriters/ filmmakers are eligible to apply, regardless of their country of residence.


Please fill in the online Application Form and send it to Please enclose the following (soft copy only):
  • A covering letter introducing yourself and your project (e.g.: Why are you applying to the program? Are you collaborating with a co-writer or a director on the project? Do you intend to direct the project and what is the status of the project at the stage of submission).
  • Complete feature narrative screenplay that must include a title page with the project title and name of writer as well as the project registration number. Please make sure the script is registered.
  • Logline: a one-line sentence description of the project.
  • Synopsis: one full A4 page.
  • Filmmaker’s statement; please describe your vision and creative approach to the project and why you want to tell this story.
  • Screenwriter’s biography.
  • Please send (VIA COURIER ONLY such as Aramex, FeDex, etc.) a DVD copy of your previous work (dramatic short film/s, feature or documentary) to the following address:

Rawi Screenwriters’ Lab
The Royal film commission - Jordan
Building number 5, Omar Bin Al-Khatab Street
1st Circle, Amman, Jordan
Tel: +962 6 461 3835


1. What is Rawi Screenwriters’ Lab?

Rawi Screenwriters’ Lab is an annual five-day screenplay development workshop aimed at independent Arab screenwriters working on their first or second narrative feature screenplays.

Each year seven or eight screenwriters (Fellows) are selected to join the lab and experience one-on-one mentoring sessions from internationally acclaimed screenwriters (Advisors) from all over the world. The emphasis of the lab is to develop the writer’s individual voice as a storyteller. Advisors and fellows will engage in an in depth dialogue about the craft of screenwriting and rewriting process, as well as the fellows’ individual vision for their story.

2. How do I apply for Rawi Screenwriters’ Lab?

Submissions towards the 8th round of Rawi Screenwriters’ Lab will be open April 1st -July 1st 2012 during which the Application Form will be available online. To apply, please fill in the Application Form and send it to Also enclose, via e-mail, your complete screenplay, cover and introductory letters, a logline, synopsis and writer/director statement. In addition please submit samples of previous audio-visual works and send them via courier to the given address in the Application Form.

3. Can I submit a short or documentary script?

No. Rawi Screenwriters’ Lab aims at screenwriters working on a full-length feature narrative screenplay only. Hence applicants will need to submit a feature narrative screenplay.

4. How long is a feature screenplay?

Each page in script standard format is accounted for as a one-minute filming session. A feature film screenplay will typically be between 80-120 pages.

5. Can I submit a treatment?

No. Only full length screenplays are accepted. This is because Rawi is not an “introduction to screenwriting” workshop, it’s rather more like a master class and is most effective when there is already a screenplay to be developed further.

6. How many scripts can I submit?

You can submit up to two screenplays but we advise you to select the one which you feel the most strongly about and are committed to making first.

7. Who is eligible to apply?

Rawi Screenwriters’ Lab is aimed at Arab screenwriters only. Arabs who live outside of the region can also apply if their parents are from the Middle East, North Africa or the Gulf.

8. What’s the language of the Lab?

As this is a very international group the language used is English, but you don’t have to be fluent in English to participate. We do provide interpreters when needed.

9. Can I submit my script in Arabic?

Yes, Arabic and English submissions are acceptable. If your Arabic submission is selected you need to translate it to English and send it back to us four weeks before the workshop starts.

10. I haven’t written or directed a feature film before, can I still apply?

Yes, although we will be very interested to look at your directing skills, we also welcome submissions from scriptwriters with no directing experience.

11. How many screenwriters will be selected?

Each year seven or eight screenwriters are selected.

12. How do you select projects?

An Advisory Committee of writers, scholars, and film professionals work with the Rawi team throughout the selection process. The primary short listing is based on script merits: story, originality, writing style, and individual voices, etc. Where applicable, we look very closely at the directing work of the writer.

13. When and where will Rawi Screenwriters’ Lab take place?

The 8th round of Rawi Screenwriters’ Lab will take place November 14 - 18th 2012 in Wadi Feynan’s Eco-Lodge in Jordan.

14. If my project was selected who will cover my travel and accommodation expenses?

Rawi is one of the programs of the Royal Film Commission - Jordan (RFC), and all expenses including participants’ travel and accommodation will be covered by the RFC.

15. Who are the Creative Advisors?

Creative Advisors are experienced screenwriters and sometimes writers/ directors. Each year we invite eight to ten Creative Advisors from different parts of the world. We announce participating Advisors nearer to the time of the Lab. For more information on Creative Advisors from earlier rounds please look up: Alumni & Advisors.

16. Is Rawi different from the Sundance Screenwriters’ Labs?

Rawi was modeled around the Sundance Screenwriters’ Lab and differs only in that it focuses solely on Arab screenwriters

17. Would the RFC help me produce my film post Rawi lab?

The Lab is intended to support the screenwriters creatively, and the focus of the lab is specifically on screenwriting, not production or the business aspect of filmmaking. However the Rawi team is available to support all Alumni on an advisory basis throughout their creative process, providing an ongoing resource for introduction, advice, recommendations, etc.

18. What does the RFC expect in return?

Participants are required to acknowledge and credit the program in the following form: “The script (or film project) was developed with the assistance of Rawi Screenwriters’ Lab, a project of the Royal Film Commission – Jordan, in consultation with the Sundance Institute”.


For inquiries: write to or call The Royal Film Commission - Jordan at: Tel: +962 6 461 3835 ext. 108, 104

For submissions: fill in the online Application Form here

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