Deadline: 12 May 2012
The Holy Quran is the Divine Book and the unrivaled and insurmountable miracle of Allah the Almighty, brought by the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
So far 14 centuries have passed and nobody could have challenged its sublime language and style. The authenticity of its contents has shed light for the mankind, especially for its devout and ardent followers.
The brilliant verses of the Quran contain what is necessary for the felicity of the mankind. Therefore, the mankind has been in debt to the teachings of the Holy Quran, for it contains the ways to reach full development and spiritual proximity to the Almighty Allah. In the light of this capacity, the Quran exegetes and researchers have made extensive research to find out more about the solutions offered for the crisis of the mankind, past and present. In view of this capacity, the cultural division of Iranian endowments & charity affairs organization and the University of Quran Sciences and Knowledge (based at Qom) have decided to schedule a conference for upgrading the echelon of cultural enrichment on an international level through holding the 29th International competitions of Holy Quran. The sessions held will deal with articles submitted for participation in the competition. It is hoped that such contributions will lead to exploring more so-far-hidden aspects of the miracle of the Holy Quran. A selection of the articles will be published in the proceedings of the conference.
1. Foundations and characteristics of Islamic Awakening from the Perspective of the Holy Quran
2. Mechanisms of Realization of Islamic Awakening based on the Teachings of the Holy Quran
3. Causes of Deviation of Muslim Communities from Divine Goals in the Movements of Islamic Awakening from the Perspective of the Holy Quran
4. Factors and Mechanisms of safeguarding and Continuation of Islamic Awakening from the Perspective of the Holy Quran
5. Islamic Awakening and Materialization of Divine promises in the Holy Quran
6. Pathology of Islamic Movements according to the Holy Quran
7. Analysis of the Role of Zionism in the Deviation of Islamic Movements according to the Teachings of the Holy Quran
8. Ways of Interference of the West in the Movements of Islamic Awakening and Mechanisms of Counteracting them from the Perspective of the Holy Quran
9. Role of Unity in the Realization and Continuation of the Movements of Islamic Awakening and Conspiracies of Enemy in Opposing this Role according to the Holy Quran
10. Role of Leadership in the awakening of Muslim Communities according t
o the Holy Quran
11. Role and Position of the Teachings of the holy Quran in Realization, Organization, and Leading of Islamic Movements
12. Role and Position of Enlightened Youth in the Movements of Islamic Awakening according to the Teachings of the Holy Quran
13. Role of Women in the Movements of Islamic Awakening according to the Teachings of the Holy Quran
14. Characteristics of Islamic Awakening in the Islamic Revolution of Iran and Comparing them to the Recent Islamic Movements in the Light of Quranic Criteria
15. Necessity of the Establishment of a Just Islamic Government according to the Holy Quran
16. A Study of the Political System of the Islamic Republic of Iran as a Quranic, Islamic Example of a highly Qualified and Desirable System
1. Nature of Perfection and Spiritual Happiness in the Holy Quran
2. Features of Perfect Human Being in the Holy Quran along with a Study of Examples
3. Islamic Lifestyle according to the Holy Quran and Islamic Teachings
4. Position of Islamic Morality in the Teachings of the Holy Quran and its Role in the Perfection of Individual and Society
5. Nature of Islamic Ethical Values in the Holy Quran and Comparing them to the Ethical Norms of Western Foundations
6. Mechanisms of Realization of Islamic Morality towards Reaching a Perfect Society according to the Holy Quran
7. Factors of deviation of society from Moral Values as Examples of Cultural Invasion and Mechanisms of Counteracting them according to the Holy Quran
8. Ethical Pathology of the Youth and Mechanisms of Counteracting Moral Deviations according to the Holy Quran and Islamic Teachings
9. Quranic Mechanisms towards the Immunity of the Society against Dangerous Effects of Satellites, Internet, Computer Games, ……
10. Ways and Means of Benefitting from the Capacity of New Media and communication towards Materialization and Development of a Quranic Society
11. Role of Family in Counteracting Cultural Invasion , and Promotion of the Culture of Islamic Decency in the Society according to the Holy Quran
12. Role of Family in Safeguarding the Society and Mechanisms of its Realization based on the Holy Quran
The Structure of Writing Essays for 29th International Competitions of Holy Quran
1- The structure of essay should follow: title, abstract, key words, introduction, main body text, conclusion, endnote (if there is), and references.
2- At the end of any quoted sentences should mention to the reference in a parenthesis as: (name and sure name of the author, published year, volume, page).
Note 1: repeated references should mention as the same first time. Do not use words like Ibid, opt …
Note 2: If there is more than a works for an author, specify it by alphabetical letters.
3- Additional explanations and proper names or expressions should come at the end of main body text titled endnote (references here would be as the same main body text that noted above).
4- References should sort based on alphabetical arrangement as:
• Book: sure name and first name (published year), title, translator (if there is), publication location, publisher, publishing number, volume.
• Essay: sure name and first name (published year), title, the name of journal, volume.
5- Abstract should contain 300 words including: JEL classification, title, subject, methodology of research and its most consequences, key words (utmost 10 words)
• Papers should select in a form of with margins: top 2cm, bottom 2.5cm, right and left 2cm.
• Essays should write in one column.
• Font should be Times New Roman 14
• Line spacing should be single.
Full paper submission due: 12 May 2012
Notification of paper acceptance: 10 June 2012
Online submission will be available in: March 10
For inquiries: via their online contact form
For submissions: submit online here
The Holy Quran is the Divine Book and the unrivaled and insurmountable miracle of Allah the Almighty, brought by the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
So far 14 centuries have passed and nobody could have challenged its sublime language and style. The authenticity of its contents has shed light for the mankind, especially for its devout and ardent followers.
The brilliant verses of the Quran contain what is necessary for the felicity of the mankind. Therefore, the mankind has been in debt to the teachings of the Holy Quran, for it contains the ways to reach full development and spiritual proximity to the Almighty Allah. In the light of this capacity, the Quran exegetes and researchers have made extensive research to find out more about the solutions offered for the crisis of the mankind, past and present. In view of this capacity, the cultural division of Iranian endowments & charity affairs organization and the University of Quran Sciences and Knowledge (based at Qom) have decided to schedule a conference for upgrading the echelon of cultural enrichment on an international level through holding the 29th International competitions of Holy Quran. The sessions held will deal with articles submitted for participation in the competition. It is hoped that such contributions will lead to exploring more so-far-hidden aspects of the miracle of the Holy Quran. A selection of the articles will be published in the proceedings of the conference.
1. Foundations and characteristics of Islamic Awakening from the Perspective of the Holy Quran
2. Mechanisms of Realization of Islamic Awakening based on the Teachings of the Holy Quran
3. Causes of Deviation of Muslim Communities from Divine Goals in the Movements of Islamic Awakening from the Perspective of the Holy Quran
4. Factors and Mechanisms of safeguarding and Continuation of Islamic Awakening from the Perspective of the Holy Quran
5. Islamic Awakening and Materialization of Divine promises in the Holy Quran
6. Pathology of Islamic Movements according to the Holy Quran
7. Analysis of the Role of Zionism in the Deviation of Islamic Movements according to the Teachings of the Holy Quran
8. Ways of Interference of the West in the Movements of Islamic Awakening and Mechanisms of Counteracting them from the Perspective of the Holy Quran
9. Role of Unity in the Realization and Continuation of the Movements of Islamic Awakening and Conspiracies of Enemy in Opposing this Role according to the Holy Quran
10. Role of Leadership in the awakening of Muslim Communities according t
o the Holy Quran
11. Role and Position of the Teachings of the holy Quran in Realization, Organization, and Leading of Islamic Movements
12. Role and Position of Enlightened Youth in the Movements of Islamic Awakening according to the Teachings of the Holy Quran
13. Role of Women in the Movements of Islamic Awakening according to the Teachings of the Holy Quran
14. Characteristics of Islamic Awakening in the Islamic Revolution of Iran and Comparing them to the Recent Islamic Movements in the Light of Quranic Criteria
15. Necessity of the Establishment of a Just Islamic Government according to the Holy Quran
16. A Study of the Political System of the Islamic Republic of Iran as a Quranic, Islamic Example of a highly Qualified and Desirable System
1. Nature of Perfection and Spiritual Happiness in the Holy Quran
2. Features of Perfect Human Being in the Holy Quran along with a Study of Examples
3. Islamic Lifestyle according to the Holy Quran and Islamic Teachings
4. Position of Islamic Morality in the Teachings of the Holy Quran and its Role in the Perfection of Individual and Society
5. Nature of Islamic Ethical Values in the Holy Quran and Comparing them to the Ethical Norms of Western Foundations
6. Mechanisms of Realization of Islamic Morality towards Reaching a Perfect Society according to the Holy Quran
7. Factors of deviation of society from Moral Values as Examples of Cultural Invasion and Mechanisms of Counteracting them according to the Holy Quran
8. Ethical Pathology of the Youth and Mechanisms of Counteracting Moral Deviations according to the Holy Quran and Islamic Teachings
9. Quranic Mechanisms towards the Immunity of the Society against Dangerous Effects of Satellites, Internet, Computer Games, ……
10. Ways and Means of Benefitting from the Capacity of New Media and communication towards Materialization and Development of a Quranic Society
11. Role of Family in Counteracting Cultural Invasion , and Promotion of the Culture of Islamic Decency in the Society according to the Holy Quran
12. Role of Family in Safeguarding the Society and Mechanisms of its Realization based on the Holy Quran
The Structure of Writing Essays for 29th International Competitions of Holy Quran
1- The structure of essay should follow: title, abstract, key words, introduction, main body text, conclusion, endnote (if there is), and references.
2- At the end of any quoted sentences should mention to the reference in a parenthesis as: (name and sure name of the author, published year, volume, page).
Note 1: repeated references should mention as the same first time. Do not use words like Ibid, opt …
Note 2: If there is more than a works for an author, specify it by alphabetical letters.
3- Additional explanations and proper names or expressions should come at the end of main body text titled endnote (references here would be as the same main body text that noted above).
4- References should sort based on alphabetical arrangement as:
• Book: sure name and first name (published year), title, translator (if there is), publication location, publisher, publishing number, volume.
• Essay: sure name and first name (published year), title, the name of journal, volume.
5- Abstract should contain 300 words including: JEL classification, title, subject, methodology of research and its most consequences, key words (utmost 10 words)
• Papers should select in a form of with margins: top 2cm, bottom 2.5cm, right and left 2cm.
• Essays should write in one column.
• Font should be Times New Roman 14
• Line spacing should be single.
- Whole document should contain 25 pages of 300 words.
- It should have not published anywhere else.
- Accepted essays will publish in a proceeding of 29th essays of international competition of holey Quran.
Full paper submission due: 12 May 2012
Notification of paper acceptance: 10 June 2012
Online submission will be available in: March 10
For inquiries: via their online contact form
For submissions: submit online here