Deadline May 12 | Call for Poems: 5th International Poetry Festival/ The Poetic Bliss Anthology (India)

05 May 2012
Deadline May 12 | Call for Poems: 5th International Poetry Festival/ The Poetic Bliss Anthology (India)
Deadline: 12 May 2012

Date of event: 12- 13 December 2012

A number of poets from all over the world are going to participate in the International Poetry Fest- 2012 to reveal various facets of the world at present. We are hosting this ‘Fest’ to promote Women’s Issues, World Peace, Human Values and Eco-Problems. This International Poetry Fest is dedicated to all the Poets in the Who Write in English. We cordially invite you to the ‘Fest’ and also request you to send us two of your fresh poems on or before May 12th, 2012. We will publish one of the two poems in a book entitled “The Poetc Bliss”. You have to present the selected poem to the distinguished audience of about 700 on the day of the Fest. Your poems will transform the young minds to noble human beings because they focus on the women, world peace, human values and importance of nature to life.

Time & Dates of the Event: 9.00a.m. To 5.00p.m. on 12th& 13th Dec., 2012

Venue : J.K.C.College, Guntur, A.P., India

Dear Poets, please go through the instructions and follow them strictly and cooperate with us in making this Fest a grand success:
  • Send any two of your unpublished poems for presentation and publication.
  • Give us an undertaking that the poems are original and are not published anywhere.
  • Names of the Poets whose poems have been short listed will be intimated by 12th June, 2011.
  • Send your willingness to take part in the ‘Fest’ by 12th July, 2012.
  • The length of each poem should not exceed 20 lines. Send poems in 12 Font, Times New Roman, single space, MS Word document 2003 version (.doc)
  • Send your bio-data in the third person, within 10 sentences, including your publications, awards & rewards.
  • A panel of judges will shortlist the poems for presentation and publication.
  • Selected poems will be published in “The Poetc Bliss”.
  • “The Poetc Bliss” will be released on 12th Dec, 2012.The Poets who attend the Fest will get the copy of the book free of cost. (You can book your extra copies for concession price)
There is no financial assistance from any organization. Breakfast, tea and lunch will be provided to all the poets free of cost. Free accommodation is provided to the outstation participants on first come first served basis. (Intimate the day and time of your arrival & departure well in advance.) We’ll provide accommodation from 11th Dec 12.00 Noon to 13th Dec 9.00Pm. There is no Registration Fee. No TA & DA will be paid to the participants. Certificates will be issued to all the participants.

Please forward this mail to all your friends and colleagues. For further details mail to or SMS to: 09966893484 *09985444686


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