Call for Candidates: The Bayeux-Calvados Award for War Correspondents (Web Journalism/ Written Press)

11 May 2012
Call for Candidates: The Bayeux-Calvados Award for War Correspondents (Web Journalism/ Written Press)
Deadline: 8 June 2012

The Bayeux-Calvados award for war correspondents rewards reports about a conflict situation or its impact on civilians, or news stories involving the defence of freedom and democracy. The report must have been made between 1 June 2011 and 31 May 2012. A €7,000 prize is awarded in each category. The categories of media represented are: radio – photography – television (short and long formats) – written press and Web Journalism (new since 2011). To be considered for the Web Journalism category, the multimedia report must have been published on the Internet or touchpad between the 1 June 2011 and the 31st May 2012.


The Application must be made up of an article or a series of one to five articles on the same subject.


- The Report must have been published on the same media in paper format or on a media website. In the event that the report has not been published by the date on which applications cease to be accepted (8 June 2012), a proof of publication must be supplied to the Organiser before 1 August 2012. Failing this, the application will not be accepted.

- The Report submitted must be identical to the published article.

The following should be sent to the Organiser:

- A copy of the original source (magazine, daily newspaper or internet page) in which the article was published or the digital file of the report in pdf format.

- The text of the article in digital format (Word)

- For Reports in a language other than French, the complete translation of the report into French in digital format (Word).


Applications for the Web Journalism category will consist of one or more multimedia report(s) presented in the form of:

- videography (linear compilation of video(s) and photo(s))
-a short multimedia project: video production based solely on photos
-a web documentary (interactive interface).
-reports designed specifically for the Ipad touch pad


-The “web journalism” production must have been broadcast on a website or via an Ipad touch pad application.
-Group entries are accepted for this web journalism category, led by a representative journalist or a media company.
-The “web journalism” production must be presented in French or English.

The following should be sent to the Organiser:

- 1 CD or DVD of the report / production or only the Internet link (active until December 2012) depending on the format of the production.

- The Internet link for viewing the report or the name of the Ipad application

Bearing in mind the different formats in which multimedia reports are produced today, judgement on the presented production will focus on several criteria so as not to disadvantage projects that have been produced in very different ways. The jury will pay particular attention to the following criteria:

-the coherence of the whole production and its narration
-the contents of the production
-the relevance of the production

Entry application now available:




Read the full award regulations here.


For inquiries:

For submissions: the reports must be submitted to Bayeux-Calvados Award for War Correspondents – Hôtel de Ville 19, rue laitière – BP 21215 – 14402 Bayeux Cedex

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