Biotechnology Journal's World Environment Day Student Essay Competition: Biotechnology and the Green Economy

11 May 2012
Biotechnology Journal's World Environment Day Student Essay Competition: Biotechnology and the Green Economy
Deadline: 1 October 2012

Biotechnology has great potential in making sustainable development a reality. As a scientific publication, Biotechnology Journal has strived to contribute to this positive endeavour by publishing special issues and editorials on the topic, as well as publicizing events that promote environmental causes such as the World Environment Day (WED) and the World Water Day.

When we first worked with the UN Environment Program (UNEP) on WED article last year, I wondered whether we could have done more than publishing an article. For this year's WED, I am pleased to announce Biotechnology Journal's first essay competition for young aspiring biotechnologists. Through this competition, we would like to invite students in the final years of their secondary education to share with us their opinion on how biotechnology can contribute to the green economy, as is the theme of this year's WED.

As most scientists and engineers would agree, many novel ideas and innovations are generated by the young and those new in a particular field. It is with this notion in mind that we launch this essay competition. Furthermore, we hope that such a competition would foster awareness of both the environment and how we could use biotechnology to contribute to sustainable development.

In order for our young biotechnologists to write essays that are substantiated by scientific evidence, I am grateful that my colleagues in our sister journals have graciously agreed to offer complimentary journal access to all participants of the competition. Together with Biotechnology Journal, the students will thus have access to Microbial Biotechnology, Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry, Engineering in Life Sciences and Biofuels, Bioproducts & Biorefining to help them with writing their essays. The students are of course also encouraged to use other journals in the field.

Three essays will be selected based on content (innovative ideas on the role of biotechnology in a green economy) and style of writing by a panel of independent judges, and published together in the forum section of Biotechnology Journal. Articles will thus be freely available to all – such publication in an internationally established journal will ensure the widest audience possible. In addition, winners will receive a copy of the journal in which their essays are published, and their schools will receive a one-year complimentary e-access to Biotechnology Journal.

Topic: “Biotechnology and the green economy”

Eligibility: Students in secondary/high schools or the equivalent (i.e. prior to university).

Assessment Criteria: Innovative ideas on how biotechnology could contribute to the green economy; style of writing.

General guidelines: 800–1000 words, optional one accompanying display element (figure, table, or photo).Title should be short and relevant. Scientific statements should be supported by appropriate citations.


For inquiries/ submissions: please contact editorial office at to express interest in participating and receive complimentary access to relevant journals

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