Deadline: 27 July 2012
This year's prize is for translation from Chinese to English.
Now in its third year, the Harvill Secker Young Translators’ Prize aims to recognise the achievements of young translators at the start of their careers. It is an annual prize, which focuses on a different language each year. This year’s chosen language is Chinese, and the prize will centre on the short story ‘The Wig’ by Han Dong. The winner’s name will be announced at an evening reception on Friday 5th October 2012 as part of the International Translation Day at King’s Place, London N1.
Harvill Secker is proud to announce an ongoing partnership with the British Centre for Literary Translation. The winner will participate in the BCLT’s mentorship scheme, working alongside renowned Chinese to English translator Nicky Harman. The winning translator will also be invited to participate in Crossing Border festival in November 2012.
Born 17 May, 1961 in Nanjing, Han Dong’s parents were banished to the countryside during the Cultural Revolution, taking him with them. When the Cultural Revolution ended, he studied philosophy at Shandong University, graduating in 1982. He subsequently taught philosophy in Xi’an and Nanjing, but since 1993 has made his living as a freelance writer. Han Dong began writing in 1980, and has been a major player on the modern Chinese literary scene since the 1990s. He is well-known as one of China’s most important avant-garde poets, and is increasingly influential as an essayist, short story writer, novelist and blogger. His chief works include two collections of poetry, two essay collections and four collections of short stories and novellas, as well as four full-length novels.
You must be between 18 and 34 years of age on the submission deadline. For further terms and conditions please see the entry form.
Print the entry form here (you will need Acrobat Reader to do so)
Download or print the Chinese text here (you will need Acrobat Reader to do so)
Simply send your completed entry form with your translated text to the postal address provided on the entry form. Please note that we are unable to consider entries submitted by email.
The winning translator will receive £1000 and a selection of Harvill Secker titles. The winner will also participate in the BCLT mentorship scheme and in Crossing Border festival
Entrants – This competition is open to anyone aged 18 to 34 years on 27th July 2012 except for employees of Harvill Secker (‘promoter’), their families or any other company connected with the competition. The promoter will accept one entry per entrant subject to point 5(c) below. The entrant must not have previously translated (or currently be contracted to translate) more than one full-length work for print or online publication.
Dates – Entries must be submitted by Friday 27th July 2012 (‘closing date’). The winning entrant will be notified by telephone in September 2012 and should be available for participation in Crossing Border festival from 15-19 November 2012.
Prize – A prize of £1000 (one thousand pounds sterling) (‘prize’) will be awarded to the winning entrant. In addition, the winning entrant will be invited to participate in Crossing Border festival and to take part in a mentorship scheme managed by the British Centre for Literary Translation. Travel and accomodation for Crossing Border will be paid for by the festival.
Entry Specifications – Entrants are advised to retain a copy of their translations as the promoter will be unable to return any submitted entry. Each entry must be:
(a) an English translation of the story entitled ‘The Wig’ by Han Dong (‘story’).
(b) the entrant’s own original work, completed entirely without assistance from professional translators or academic staff. Joint entries involving one translation of the story by a maximum of two translators in accordance with these terms and conditions will be accepted.
(c) submitted as a typeset hard copy with the following specifications: double-spaced, set in 12-point type, with numbered pages and no staples.
(d) Entrants are advised not to include their name on the translation. This is to ensure anonymity.
For inquiries: contact
For submissions: complete the form and submit it with one translation of the story ‘The Wig’ by Han Dong to Harvill Secker Young Translators’ Prize, Harvill Secker, The Random House Group Limited, 20 Vauxhall Bridge Road, London SW1V 2SA, England
This year's prize is for translation from Chinese to English.
Now in its third year, the Harvill Secker Young Translators’ Prize aims to recognise the achievements of young translators at the start of their careers. It is an annual prize, which focuses on a different language each year. This year’s chosen language is Chinese, and the prize will centre on the short story ‘The Wig’ by Han Dong. The winner’s name will be announced at an evening reception on Friday 5th October 2012 as part of the International Translation Day at King’s Place, London N1.
Harvill Secker is proud to announce an ongoing partnership with the British Centre for Literary Translation. The winner will participate in the BCLT’s mentorship scheme, working alongside renowned Chinese to English translator Nicky Harman. The winning translator will also be invited to participate in Crossing Border festival in November 2012.
Born 17 May, 1961 in Nanjing, Han Dong’s parents were banished to the countryside during the Cultural Revolution, taking him with them. When the Cultural Revolution ended, he studied philosophy at Shandong University, graduating in 1982. He subsequently taught philosophy in Xi’an and Nanjing, but since 1993 has made his living as a freelance writer. Han Dong began writing in 1980, and has been a major player on the modern Chinese literary scene since the 1990s. He is well-known as one of China’s most important avant-garde poets, and is increasingly influential as an essayist, short story writer, novelist and blogger. His chief works include two collections of poetry, two essay collections and four collections of short stories and novellas, as well as four full-length novels.
You must be between 18 and 34 years of age on the submission deadline. For further terms and conditions please see the entry form.
Print the entry form here (you will need Acrobat Reader to do so)
Download or print the Chinese text here (you will need Acrobat Reader to do so)
Simply send your completed entry form with your translated text to the postal address provided on the entry form. Please note that we are unable to consider entries submitted by email.
The winning translator will receive £1000 and a selection of Harvill Secker titles. The winner will also participate in the BCLT mentorship scheme and in Crossing Border festival
Entrants – This competition is open to anyone aged 18 to 34 years on 27th July 2012 except for employees of Harvill Secker (‘promoter’), their families or any other company connected with the competition. The promoter will accept one entry per entrant subject to point 5(c) below. The entrant must not have previously translated (or currently be contracted to translate) more than one full-length work for print or online publication.
Dates – Entries must be submitted by Friday 27th July 2012 (‘closing date’). The winning entrant will be notified by telephone in September 2012 and should be available for participation in Crossing Border festival from 15-19 November 2012.
Prize – A prize of £1000 (one thousand pounds sterling) (‘prize’) will be awarded to the winning entrant. In addition, the winning entrant will be invited to participate in Crossing Border festival and to take part in a mentorship scheme managed by the British Centre for Literary Translation. Travel and accomodation for Crossing Border will be paid for by the festival.
Entry Specifications – Entrants are advised to retain a copy of their translations as the promoter will be unable to return any submitted entry. Each entry must be:
(a) an English translation of the story entitled ‘The Wig’ by Han Dong (‘story’).
(b) the entrant’s own original work, completed entirely without assistance from professional translators or academic staff. Joint entries involving one translation of the story by a maximum of two translators in accordance with these terms and conditions will be accepted.
(c) submitted as a typeset hard copy with the following specifications: double-spaced, set in 12-point type, with numbered pages and no staples.
(d) Entrants are advised not to include their name on the translation. This is to ensure anonymity.
For inquiries: contact
For submissions: complete the form and submit it with one translation of the story ‘The Wig’ by Han Dong to Harvill Secker Young Translators’ Prize, Harvill Secker, The Random House Group Limited, 20 Vauxhall Bridge Road, London SW1V 2SA, England