Open to International Entrants: The £1500 Vogue Talent Contest 2012 for Young Writers

08 April 2012
Open to International Entrants: The £1500 Vogue Talent Contest 2012 for Young Writers
Deadline: 11 April 2012

FOR over 60 years, Vogue has held its Talent Contest for Young Writers in order to uncover and nurture fresh writing talent. Many established journalists started their careers after entering the contest - including the BFC's Sarah Mower and US Vogue's European editor-at-large Hamish Bowles - and recent winners have gone on to become successful poets, playwrights, authors and members of Vogue's staff - including Vogue's fashion features director Harriet Quick and contributing editor Charlotte Sinclair. So, what are we looking for?

Journalists who can identify a story and tell it with pace and creativity. And the prize? £1,000, plus a month's paid work experience at Vogue, with £500 for the runner-up. If you are under 25 and would like to enter this year, read on...


1. Write about a personal memory. This could be a memory of an extraordinary event, place or person, or simply something that resonated deeply (800 words).
2. Write a short feature article - a contemporary cultural review or fashion or beauty trend (500 words).
3. Write an opinion piece or polemic. This could be about a person, or on current affairs or social issues (500 words).

Accompanying your entry should be a passport-sized photograph of yourself, attached to a sheet of paper listing your name, permanent address, telephone number, date of birth and occupation. The judging panel will include Vogue's editor Alexandra Shulman, senior members of the magazine's staff, guest editors and writers. Finalists will be invited to a lunch at Vogue with the judges, after which the winner will be decided. Closing Date: April 11, 2012.


1. Entrants should not have reached their 25th birthday by January 1, 2012. 2. Entries should be typed on one side of the paper only, and sent to Vogue Talent Contest, Vogue House, Hanover Square, London W1S 1JU, to arrive no later than the closing date. 3. Copyright of the entries belongs to The Condé Nast Publications, Ltd and scripts will not be returned. 4. The competition results will be announced in the October 2012 issue of Vogue. 5. In the event of a tie, the prize money will be shared. 6. The editor's decision is final. 7. The contest is open to international entrants.


For submissions: Vogue Talent Contest, Vogue House, Hanover Square, London W1S 1JU

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