Call for Contributions: Speculative Geographies Volume II (The State UAE/ worldwide)

06 April 2012
Call for Contributions: Speculative Geographies Volume II (The State UAE/ worldwide)
Deadline: 30 April 2012

Vol II of THESTATE is premised on cultural imagination and futures of place. We invite you to speculate and translate the future’s visualisations of form and format. By using situational spectation, tactile sensations, personal anticipation and architectural justifications, we seek a contextual understanding of today’s socialscape as a means to inform the landscapes of tomorrow.

WE ARE THINKING about desire lines, sensory cartographies, (de)militiarised urbanities, appropriated circuit-spheres, cyborgific insects, voyeuristic reality media, drone soap operas, scent trails & olofactory claustrophobia, paleontology of the Singularity, subterranean netherworlds, dystopian forest replenishing, anti-civ anarchism and the ‘green scare,’ transhumanist unicorns, gonzo ethnography, decolonising the Internet of things, apocalyptic love letters, bioart, salvagepunk, the symphonies of credit, robot liberation struggles, ruptured temporalities, botiliciousness, fifth dimensions, the coming superabundance of screens, and the colonisation of Mars.

WE WELCOME submissions around the theme of ‘Speculative Geographies,’ and encourage experimentation with form, transmedia, and (web)site-specific installations; critical texts, interrogative narratives, slow journalism, sensuous net-artwork, moving or still images, psychogeographic mappings, place hacking, manifestos and conversations, among others. Because of the nature of THESTATE, please do not feel restricted by the above; please feel free to alternatively submit a wall of text.

THE STATE is a journal and sociohistorical forum. It investigates the space between print and audio-visual experiences and their transition to mediated online forms; transgressive cultural criticism and the sensuous architecture of this “printernet.”

PLEASE SEND your submissions, along with a brief bio, to, by APRIL 30th, 2012. We ask that you submit new works, but are willing to reprint pieces that have not been published in English; however, we are unable to translate ourselves. We are open to pitches, but please get in touch well before the deadline. Commissioned pieces will receive up to US$500.

Submissions and pitches will be accepted on a rolling basis; we are especially looking for online bloggers. Do get in touch at with any editorial enquiries.


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