Singapore Dreaming Urban Fantasy Writing Competition

14 March 2012
Singapore Dreaming Urban Fantasy Writing Competition
Deadline: 28 March 2012

What is the Singapore dream? Is it limited to the condominium and the flashy car? Singaporeans dream of other things too, you know…

Singapore Dreaming is a writing competition centred around urban fantasy, and will be judged by Joyce Chng of Wolf at the Door fame. Write a story of no more than 2,500 words about urban fantasy set in Singapore. Here are some definite rules you must follow:

Your protagonist should be Singaporean.

If your protagonist isn’t Singaporean, your story must be set in Singapore.

All time periods are considered fit to write about.

The winner of the competition will receive S$50 in Harris Planerds vouchers and have their story featured in next month’s newsletter. Shortlisted entries may be selected for our June fantasy anthology, tentatively titled G for Gaiman.

Singapore Dreaming – A Contest will close on 28th March 2012. Winners will be announced on April 2nd. Works submitted must not have been previously published elsewhere, and must be posted on to be considered for submission.

To enter, send your story’s link in to

All other enquiries may be emailed to


For inquiries:

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