Corea Image Communication Institute Essay Competition

28 March 2012
Corea Image Communication Institute Essay Competition
Deadline: 16 April 2012

The Corea Image Communication Institute (CICI) is holding a “communication essay competition” for graduate students on April 28, the institute said in a statement Wednesday.

The essay competition will be held in conjunction with the upcoming Culture Communication Forum (CCF), a key event of the institute to take place on Sept. 4-6 in Seoul. The winner of the competition will be given the chance to participate at the annual event and communicate with cultural experts within and outside the country.

Participants are asked to submit a two-page essay via email on the overarching theme “Communicating Korea, Korea’s Place in the World” from March 26 through April 16. All graduate students are eligible to apply and the essays must be written in Korean. Participants may choose to deliver their essay verbally through UCC.

The final round will take place on April 28 at a location to be decided in due course, where finalists must deliver their message on the foresaid theme in Korean only. A list of finalists will be announced on April 23 at the CICI website and they will be individually contacted as well.

Participant may choose to write on one of the following three subtopics.

First, is SNS contributing to or diminishing communication between generations; Second, what are the most serious problems Koreans face in communication (at home, work and between generations and social classes) and what can we do to facilitate communication; and thirdly, how can traditional Korean legacy ― in food, fashion, architecture, music, literature, among other fields ― be used as a bridge to link Korea and the world.

The first-place winner will be awarded a flight from Asiana Airlines to Europe and a cash prize of 2,000,000 won. For second place, there is a cash prize of 2,000,000 won. Third place will be given a cash prize of 1,000,000 won. All finalists will be given a souvenir. The winner will be invited to speak on the final day of the CCF on Sept. 6.

The CCF has served as an occasion for global leaders to experience Korean culture and for Korea to learn about the countries of the participants. It has established itself as a regular platform for promoting Korea overseas.

Founded in 2003, CICI has brought together experts to brainstorm innovative methods to promote Korea. It is led by Choi Jung-wha, a professor of interpretation and translation at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies.

To participate, send essays to or


For inquiries: call 02-424-0049

For submissions: or

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