Blog Proposals Sought: Emerging Voices on Asia (four $250 awards available) - Canada

21 March 2012
Blog Proposals Sought: Emerging Voices on Asia (four $250 awards available) - Canada
Deadline: 31 May 2012

CALL FOR BLOG PROPOSALS: Four $250 awards available

  • How can Canada contribute to green initiatives in Cambodia?
  • Are Canadian media depictions of Pakistan accurate?
  • Should Canada negotiate a Free Trade Agreement with China?
  • Does your province need to do more to promote trade in Indonesia?
  • What impact is Asian art having on the Canadian art scene?

Are you a Canadian student or early career professional who is interested in these kinds of questions? If so, we want to hear from you!

The National Conversation on Asia (NCA) is seeking proposals for blog submissions in English or in French. Four finalists will each receive $250 to write three 500-750 word blog posts for the National Conversation on Asia’s Emerging Voices blog.

This contest is an excellent way for early career journalists, academics, businesspeople and interested Canadians to get their views heard!

What We Want from You

The NCA is a broad and inclusive initiative to get Canadians thinking and talking about what Asia means to Canada. We would like to hear how your personal experiences inform this question. Your blog submissions may be based on your work, study or travel experiences in Asia. We also encourage submissions from people who have never been to Asia but have interesting things to say about Canada’s relationship with the region. For ideas, bloggers may reference the five NCA themes:

• Energy, Natural Resources and the Environment

• Human Rights and Development

• Global Economy

• Education, Culture and Communities

• Politics, Policy and Diplomacy


We are seeking submissions from Canadian citizens and permanent residents who are students or in the early stages of their careers.


Submissions must be sent to Erin Williams at by 5PM (PST) on May 15, 2012. The four successful applicants will be notified by May 31, 2012.

Submissions may be in either English or French and must include:

• A sample of written work (400-750 words) that shows your blogging potential

• Proposal for three blogs that you will write for the Foundation (three to five sentences per blog)

• A brief biography (maximum 100 words)


Submissions will be judged by three members of the NCA team. Criteria include:

• How engaging is the writing sample to read?

• Do the proposed blog topics illustrate how the blogger’s personal experiences provide insight into the Canada-Asia relationship?


Successful applicants will agree to produce three 500-750 word blogs about what Asia means to Canada.

By submitting their blog proposals participants agree to the following:

• Completed blogs will be the property of the Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada to use on their website, at their events, as promotional material and for any other uses. Bloggers, therefore, may not submit the blogs for publication elsewhere.

• Participants will receive a one-time award of $250 CAD upon completion of the three blogs.

• Participants will receive visible credit for their blogs.

• The Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada reserves the right to edit blog content before publication.

• Blogs must not have been previously published or be subject to any ownership aside from that of the blogger.

• Participants are responsible for ensuring that all blog content, including photos and video links, are legally permitted for use.

• Blogs must not contain profane, discriminatory or otherwise questionable content.

• Participants must be Canadian citizens or permanent residents.

• Participants may submit proposals and blogs in either English or French.

For inquiries regarding this call for proposals, please contact Erin Williams, Project Manager, National Conversation on Asia at or 604-630-1547.


For inquiries:

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