Moving Words Campaign and Poetry Competition 2011 (National Arts Council, Singapore)

01 June 2011
Moving Words Campaign and Poetry Competition 2011 (National Arts Council, Singapore)
Deadline: 15 July 2011

Moving Words is a campaign to create an awareness of local poetry, both old and new by presenting them in media spaces in SMRT trains and stations. Besides encouraging an appreciation of Singaporean poetry among the millions of daily commuters in this city, it aims to discover new poetry, submitted and written by Singaporeans.

The genesis of this project started with Singapore poet Madeline Lee, who approached SMRT with an initiative that would showcase the Singapore poetry. With Moving Words, poets will have the opportunity to show how poems can become a part of everyday life even as we move through society.

Phase 1 of Moving Words

12 poems written in the four official languages of Singapore (English, Mandarin Chinese, Malay and Tamil) from Singapore poets will be displayed in MRT stations and trains. These poems will be displayed from 21st May to 15th July 2011.

The featured poets and their respective poems are:

English Poets

Gilbert Koh -- Palmistry
Teng Qian Xi -- The End of Every Field
Grace Chua -- Letter from Home
Gwee Li Sui -- Propitiations

Chinese Poets

Liang Yue -- To the Bronze Statue of Raffles
Chia Hwee Pheng aka Xi Ni Er -- The Degenerate South
Liang Wern Fook -- Island
Wong Yoon Wah -- The Wounded River

Malay Poets

Rasiah Halil -- Lonely Souls
Johar Buang -- Stage

Tamil Poets

Kanagalatha -- Karangkuni
KTM Iqbal -- A Pilgrimage by Foot

Phase 2 - Moving Words Poetry Competition

We invite all aspiring poets, young and old, to participate in an open Moving Words Poetry Competition. This is a great opportunity for budding poets to showcase their poems, in any of the four languages, on a national platform – the SMRT train network!

Call for submissions for the Moving Words Poetry Competition. This competition is open to all Singapore citizens and Permanent Residents. The competition period is 21st May to 15th July 2011. The 12 best entries will be shortlisted by a panel of judges for display on the SMRT train network from August to October 2011. The public will then get to vote for their favourite entry and the public’s votes will decide the winning poem. The winner receives a brand new iPad2 and there will be two consolation prizes of Books Actually vouchers worth $200. Voters also stand a chance to win attractive prizes like the iPod Touch and Books Actually vouchers. Details about the competition can be found at .

The 12 best entries will also be published in the Moving Words Anthology together with the works of established Singaporean poets, and launched in October at the Singapore Writers Festival 2011, Singapore’s largest literary event.

Rules and Regulations:

➊ This competition is open to all Singapore citizens and Permanent Residents.

➋ Only unpublished poems may be entered for this competition. Entries that have won prizes in other local or overseas competitions will not be accepted.

➌ Entries may be written in any of Singapore’s four official languages: English, Mandarin Chinese, Malay, and Tamil. However, poems written in a language other than English must be accompanied by an English translation. Each submitted poem should not be more than 20 lines.

➍ Multiple entries are eligible so long as each submission complies with all rules and regulations.

➎ Entries can be submitted either by post (to Moving Words Poetry Competition 2011, 65 Ubi Crescent, Hola Centre #06-04, S408559), or via the online submission form.

➏ If sending your submissions by post, they must be either typewritten in Arial, font size 11 or handwritten legibly. Manuscripts should have a 1 inch margin on all sides, and printed or written on one side of A4-sized paper. Please write your I/C number on the top right-hand corner of each page of the manuscript.

➐ Any entry that is late, illegible, or that does not comply with the rules and regulations will be disqualified.

➑ Selection will be based on literary merit, at the discretion of the Judging Panel. The adjudicating panel’s decision is final and no discussion or correspondence will be entertained.

➒ Participants agree that their submissions are allowed to be freely used by organisers for publicity and in the publication of an anthology or book relating to the Moving Words 2011 project. Participants retain the copyright to their own poems.

This is an open-themed competition. However, obscene, derogatory and undesirable content subject to the discretion of the Judging Panel, will be rejected.


Grand Prize: iPad2

Two Consolation Prizes: Books Actually Vouchers worth $200

Voters who vote for their favourite entry also stand a chance to win attractive prizes like the iPod Touch and Books Actually vouchers.

The 12 best entries will also be published in an anthology together with the works of established Singaporean poets, and launched in October at the Singapore Writers Festival 2011, Singapore’s largest literary event.

Moving Words iPhone Application

Marrying technology and the literary arts, a free Moving Words iPhone Application developed by Singaporean mobile developer 2359media will be available for download from 25th May 2011 to generate interest in creating poetry on the move.

Playing on the notion of magnetic poetry, users will be able to rearrange words from a bank of 400 words which will include commonly used Singlish phrases as well. Users will be able to upload their finished poems onto, and also share it on their Facebook and Twitter accounts.

Launch of Moving Words 2011

The launch of Moving Words is on 21 May 2011 at the Esplanade Xchange at Esplanade MRT station. From 4 to 6pm, catch poetry readings from Singapore’s established poets whose works are featured on the SMRT train network. Poets such as Gilbert Koh (aka blogger Mr Wang Says So), Chia Hwee Pheng, Liang Yue, Rasiah Halil, Grace Chua and KTM Iqbal will read their featured poems.

The Moving Words Poetry Competition will officially open for entries. The first 20 people to submit their poems for the Competition at the launch will receive a Books Actually voucher worth $20.

The Proletariat Poetry Factory will provide poetry-on-demand for passing commuters using typewriters as a medium with accompanying local 3-piece Jazz band – The Reflections, entertaining the crowd.

Monthly Poetry Events

With the launch of Moving Words, there will also be a series of monthly events from June to October, such as poetry slams, open-mike sessions and performance poetry on an MRT train to engage the public and drum up excitement and interest in Singaporean poetry.


Presenting Partners: National Arts Council and SMRT
Official outdoor media: SMRT media
Powered by: 2359 media
Supported by: Books Actually and SMRT Xchange
Organised by: The Literary Centre
In-conjunction with: Singapore Writers Festival

Contact Information:

For inquiries: contact[at]

For submissions: visit and click on the competition tab

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