Deadline: 31 August 2011
1 Eligibility Condition
The Competition is open to students who are registered for Ph D/ M.Phil/ Master Course and any undergraduate course in any university or deemed university in India. The participants must submit an attested copy of their student Identity Card along with the essay. The participant must also send a certificate from the Head of the Institution certifying that the candidate is a bonafide student of the university.
2 Topic of the essay
“Abundant Foodgrain Stocks, Ample Foreign Exchange Reserves and Poverty: Addressing the Challenges of India’s Development Story”
3 Mode of submission
3.1 The essay may be written in either Hindi or English.
3.2 The essay competition consists of written and online submissions which are to be delivered to the Department of Economic Affairs by 31st August 2011.
3.3 The written submissions may be sent to either as hard copy to the following address:
Room no 59, North Block,
Department of Economic Affairs,
Ministry of Finance
New Delhi
Or in electronic format to
3.4 Only original essays will be considered for the competition. No part of it should have been published earlier nor should it be under consideration for publication or a contest elsewhere. Any form of plagiarism will result in disqualification of the essay.
3.5 Only one essay per participant may be submitted.
3.6 Length of the essay: The essay shall be no longer than 3000 words.
3.7 Format requirement:
i. Typed on a A4 size electronic page.
ii. Font size shall be 12 points in Times New Roman for essay in English/ Font size shall be 14 points in Devanagari 010 for essay in Hindi.
iii. 1.5 interlinear space
iv. A footer numbering pages as “page x of y” on right side of each page.
3.8 Cover of written submission
i. The written submission must have a cover page containing the name of the participant, address, e-mail id, contact number and name of the college/university with address .
ii. The external cover/envelope should be marked “Essay Competition(IES)”.
3.9 Electronic Format
i. The participant should mention his or her name, address, e-mail id, contact number and name of the college/university with address in the mail and send the essay as an attachment.[ in MS word]
4 Prizes
4.1 The Department of Economic Affairs would honour the winners of the competition as under;
Finance website. Separate intimation will also be sent to each of the winner.
4.3 The winners will be given the prizes on the occasion of the Golden Jubilee Conference to be held this year. Exact date and location to be announced later.
5 Other terms and conditions
5.1 The administration of the contest including determining the eligibility of a participant or essay, standard of essay , evaluation of essays and awarding of the prizes is within the sole and absolute discretion of Department of Economic Affairs
5.2 Department of Economic Affairs assumes no responsibility for lost, delayed or incomplete entries or technical malfunction of server, traffic congestion on net or a combination thereof.
Contact Information:
For inquiries:
For submissions:
1 Eligibility Condition
The Competition is open to students who are registered for Ph D/ M.Phil/ Master Course and any undergraduate course in any university or deemed university in India. The participants must submit an attested copy of their student Identity Card along with the essay. The participant must also send a certificate from the Head of the Institution certifying that the candidate is a bonafide student of the university.
2 Topic of the essay
“Abundant Foodgrain Stocks, Ample Foreign Exchange Reserves and Poverty: Addressing the Challenges of India’s Development Story”
3 Mode of submission
3.1 The essay may be written in either Hindi or English.
3.2 The essay competition consists of written and online submissions which are to be delivered to the Department of Economic Affairs by 31st August 2011.
3.3 The written submissions may be sent to either as hard copy to the following address:
Room no 59, North Block,
Department of Economic Affairs,
Ministry of Finance
New Delhi
Or in electronic format to
3.4 Only original essays will be considered for the competition. No part of it should have been published earlier nor should it be under consideration for publication or a contest elsewhere. Any form of plagiarism will result in disqualification of the essay.
3.5 Only one essay per participant may be submitted.
3.6 Length of the essay: The essay shall be no longer than 3000 words.
3.7 Format requirement:
i. Typed on a A4 size electronic page.
ii. Font size shall be 12 points in Times New Roman for essay in English/ Font size shall be 14 points in Devanagari 010 for essay in Hindi.
iii. 1.5 interlinear space
iv. A footer numbering pages as “page x of y” on right side of each page.
3.8 Cover of written submission
i. The written submission must have a cover page containing the name of the participant, address, e-mail id, contact number and name of the college/university with address .
ii. The external cover/envelope should be marked “Essay Competition(IES)”.
3.9 Electronic Format
i. The participant should mention his or her name, address, e-mail id, contact number and name of the college/university with address in the mail and send the essay as an attachment.[ in MS word]
4 Prizes
4.1 The Department of Economic Affairs would honour the winners of the competition as under;
- First prize: `1,00,000/-
- Two second prizes : `50,000/- each
Finance website. Separate intimation will also be sent to each of the winner.
4.3 The winners will be given the prizes on the occasion of the Golden Jubilee Conference to be held this year. Exact date and location to be announced later.
5 Other terms and conditions
5.1 The administration of the contest including determining the eligibility of a participant or essay, standard of essay , evaluation of essays and awarding of the prizes is within the sole and absolute discretion of Department of Economic Affairs
5.2 Department of Economic Affairs assumes no responsibility for lost, delayed or incomplete entries or technical malfunction of server, traffic congestion on net or a combination thereof.
Contact Information:
For inquiries:
For submissions: