Feature Writing 101: the Basics of Writing to Get Published (Powerbooks Greenbelt, Philippines)

05 June 2011
Feature Writing 101: the Basics of Writing to Get Published (Powerbooks Greenbelt, Philippines)
Date: 2 July 2011

If you’ve always wanted to be published in a magazine or a newspaper, you’ll realize that it often takes more than good ideas or the passion for writing to get yourself out there and earn a byline. You’ll need the combination of impeccable grammar, unique experiences, penetrating insight, and, of course, a good network of sources who will give weight to your story and editors who will give you the space to be read.

Writer’s Block Philippines brings together the experiences and expert knowledge of its three editor-founders to bring you closer to that dream of seeing your name in print. Whether you are writing for a company publication or your favorite magazine, you’ll need the same skills that we will teach you in THIS class: FEATURE WRITING 101.

Only 30 slots are available for this class, so RESERVE NOW by emailing writersblock.ph@gmail.com or calling/texting (0927) 850 8280 with your name, email address, and mobile number.

A five percent (5%) early bird discount awaits those who pay on or before June 15, 2010. And, as always, bona fide members of Writer’s Block Philippines get a permanent 10% discount on our workshops. To learn more about our membership offer, READ THIS.

Contact Information:

For inquiries: writersblock.ph@gmail.com or contact 0927 8508280

Website: http://www.writersblockphilippines.com/
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