WordPlay: Bangkok's First Literary Festival

15 May 2011
WordPlay: Bangkok's First Literary Festival
Date: 22 May 2011

Sunday 22nd of May, 2011: Bangkok's First Literary Festival! Don't miss this wonderful and unique day packed with rich inspiration -- all with a literary theme. Everyone is welcome, members and non-members, adults and children. Come for a talk or two, a workshop, or stay all day and enjoy everything on offer!

There is no admission charge and the talks are free to all. We will however appreciate donations after each talk to help defray our costs. Just come along, no need to register for the talks!

For the workshops however there is a charge per session, see below, and it is necessary to register to guarantee your place.

Talks will be held in the Main Library and Garden Cafe. Workshops will be held in the British Club (adjacent building) and the Library Office.

Find latest Talk and Workshop Schedules here >>

Register for Workshops here >>

On The Day

In the main Library and Garden Cafe we will be listening to world-famous author-chefs Ken Hom ("My Kitchen Table"; Ken Hom's Chinese Cookery BBC series) and David Thompson ("Thai Street Food"). We will take a walk on the darker side of our city with acclaimed Bangkok Noir writers Christopher G. Moore ("Vincent Calvado Private Eye" series and editor of recently published "Bangkok Noir" and his fellow authors John Burdett ("Bangkok 8") and Stephen Leather ("Private Dancer"). Philip Cornwell Smith (author of bestselling "Very Thai" and editor of Time Out) will talk about trends in Thailand. The translators of the Thai classic "The Tale of Khun Chang Khun Phaen", Chris Baker and Pasuk Phongpaichit, will discuss their craft. Acclaimed photographer and author Nic Dunlop ("Lost Executioner") will tell us about his gritty and sometimes dangerous research. Sandy Dodd and Jennifer Baccon (literacy promotors) will explain how to create a life-long love of reading in children. Author Tom Vater ("Sacred Skin") will talk on the rapidly changing media landscape and the challenges for writers. Short story writer Ruth Heald wlll introduce us to multimedia and short stories. Childen's author Janice Santikarn ("Little Blue Tuk Tuk" series) will share the inspiration behind her much-loved books. The day will close with reading form the Bangkok Poetry Group.

Through the day there will be podium readings, bookstalls and a story and a visit from the lovable SCAD dogs to entertain children. British Club refreshments will be available in our special marquee.

In addition to the talks, we are also running six high-quality workshops, all designed to pass on some of the skills associated with writing, story-telling and even creating a decorative hand-made book. Most of these workshops are to be held in the British Club, neighbour to the Library. Access to the British Club will be via the gate in the Library garden. Bookings are now open, and as places are limited, please register soon to avoid disappointment.

"Breaking Through"
Silom Room, British Club
9.30am to 12.30pm
Gavin Gough (Photographer) and Paul Sochaczewski (Author and Writing Coach)
1,000 Baht

How to write and photograph a personal story for publication. You are a voyager, an insightful soul. A writer. And a photographer. You know you could produce a better article than many of the stories you see in in-flight magazines and daily newspapers. But how to get started? How to choose a theme, how to get the structure right, how to find your voice (both written and visual)? Paul and Gavin share valuable insights in this shorter version of their well-received course. Please bring pen and paper.

"Writing from the Unconscious Mind"
Silom Room, British Club
2pm to 5pm
Anette Pollner (Author, Counselor and Writing Coach)
1,000 Baht

This workshop, specially designed for WordPlay, is an invitation to explore and develop your writing from your unconscious mind. In this one day "taster" version of her regular month long workshops, Anette introduces her "superfocus" technique to trigger your creativity and access the unconscious process. Participants will also learn strategies to further explore and use the material from the unconscious mnd in the conscious construction of their stories. With passion and discipline! Open to all genres of writing.

"Make Your Own Handmade Book"
Wordworth Room, British Club
9.30am to 11am
Kate Macdonald (Teacher of Design Technology)
500 Baht (includes materials)
Make a beautiful silk-bound book to be proud of! Suitable for scrapbooks and photo albums or as a way of gathering and presenting loose sketches. During this session you will produce an A5 sized book. All materials are provided, but do bring a favourite piece of silk or other fabric if you wish.

"The Art of Story-telling"
Wordsworth Room, British Club
11.30am to 1pm
Louise Truslow (Artist and Actor)
500 Baht

Improve your story-telling skills! The art of telling a story (whether to children or to adults) is a powerful skill. This is not just for those who have small children to tuck up at night. Everyone loves a story and there are ways of weaving them into many varied situations. Louise will share her own secrets about how to make telling stories engaging and compelling and how the telling of stories can both boost your confidence and help your audience remember what you told them. This workshop is suitable for adults and older teens.

"Writing Stories, A Workshop for Children"
Neilson Hays Library Office
10am to 11.30am:
Janice Santikarn (Author)
300 Baht

Is the next JK Rowling growing up here in Bangkok? Janice will inspire children with the joy of writing and she will share tips to get them started. Suitable for children aged (approximately) 9 to 12 years. Just bring a notebook, pen and a love of stories!

1-1 Critique Service
Neilson Hays Library Office
12 noon to 2pm (book for individual 20 mins appointments)
BL Sauder (Author)
300 Baht

Every aspiring writer can benefit from constructive criticism and we offer you the opportunity for published author Bonnie Sauder ("Year of the Golden Dragon") to critically review a sample of your work. She may also advise about publication processes and options. Private appointments of 20 minutes duration will be organised. Please use the workshop link below to apply and include details about the piece you would like to submit (short story, non-ficton article, blog entry or exerpt from a novel). Please note that 4 -5 pages of text is the maximum length that can be accepted. We will forward your work to Bonnie before the event so please have it ready by Friday 20th May.

Please note: all workshops require advance booking to guarantee a place. Numbers will be limited. Please register for workshops or ask for further information by clicking here.

Please arrive 15 minutes before the workshop starts to complete your registration. For workshops held in the British Club, registration will be in the foyer of the Club.

Important: workshops will start on time and in order not to disrupt the creative process, late-comers cannot be admitted. Please switch off cellphones during the workshop.

Contact Information:

For inquiries: neilson.library@gmail.com

Website: http://www.neilsonhayslibrary.com/#!wordplay
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