Featured Poem: One Night in Tay-Ninh, Việt Nam, 1952 by Lawrence-Minh Bui Davis

04 April 2011
Featured Poem: One Night in Tay-Ninh, Việt Nam, 1952 by Lawrence-Minh Bui Davis
One Night in Tay-Ninh, Việt Nam, 1952

Một dêm nhà bị bắn                One night the house is shot into
và có lựu đạn thảy vào.           and a grenade is thrown into.

The translation is rough.
She doesn’t conceive of herself
in the first person or the third.
She never thinks “I did this”
or “she felt that.”

She simply
“in the fall, moved away,”
“ran to the store that morning,”

She is very young at the time of the attack,
only six.
She has no idea
why someone would shoot or
throw a grenade into the house
or why the family’s chickens
would run away only

to reappear
in the branches of lychee trees
in the woods behind the house.

Her parents are unsurprised.
Farmers have always trained their chickens
to run skyward up tree trunks.
When soldiers come calling,
as they have for a thousand years,

always survives.

LAWRENCE-MINH BUI DAVIS’s poetry and fiction have appeared in McSweeney's Quarterly Concern, The Literary Review, New York Quarterly, AGNI online, Fiction International, The Louisville Review, and Pedestal Magazine. A founding editor of The Asian American Literary Review, he is at work on his first novel.
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