Call for Children's Stories: Lekha Publishing

29 April 2011
Call for Children's Stories: Lekha Publishing
Deadline: 15 May 2011

Start-up children's publishing company is seeking mystery, science fiction, and fantasy short stories for children ages 10-18 for a new children's literature anthology. Short stories should be an average of 3,000-3500 words.

Submission Details:

Please send us the entire manuscript with a cover letter. In your cover letter, give us a brief synopsis of your story, some information about you as the author and what inspired your story, and a few noteworthy blurbs. The manuscript should be on 8 1/2 by 11 size paper, double spaced, with 1 inch margins all around. Please include the title of your short story on the top of each page. Please type your name, address, and phone number on the upper right hand corner of the first page of your manuscript. Underneath, write the number of words of your manuscript. We do not accept manuscripts that are currently on submission to other publishers. No literary agent is required. We only accept manuscripts that have not been published. No copyright or registration is required prior to publication.

The deadline for submissions is May 13th!

The Review Process:

The review process can take our editors as little as two weeks and as long as three months.

Submission Details:

Send your manuscript and cover letter electronically to submit@lekhapublishers.comPlease send your manuscript and cover letter as a 'word file' with "Submission Editor" in the subject line of your email. Other formats will not be considered.

Compensation: $20 stipend for published manuscripts

Contact Information:

For inquiries:

For submissions:

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