WHC Indonesia "Teens and Media" Essay Writing Competition

14 March 2011
WHC Indonesia "Teens and Media" Essay Writing Competition
Deadline: 3 April 2011

If you are a high school student, have passion for Media and Communication, and love to write, we want to challenge you. Join our Essay Writing Competition with the topic "Teens & Media". Write to WHC (Winesheim Honours College) and win an iPod Touch 4G as a prize! Form and essay should be sent to infoWindesheim@eoffice-id.com.

Interested? Register now via Twitter @studiWindesheim. Deadline: April.3

Buat teman2 yang hobby menulis,yuk ikutan Kompetisi ini!Challenge yourself! Ikuti langkah2 dibwh ini:

- Register via Twitter @studiWindesheim dg format: Reg WRITE&WIN your name & Peserta akan mendapatkan nomer registrasi
- Download application form here
- Isi application form beserta dgn essay-mu, topic nya: "Teens&Media..." hanya 1000 kata. Kirim saja ke: infoWindesheim@eoffice-id.com.

More information here.
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