Research Writer on India, Pakistan and Middle East Wanted (rate: $50 for 2,500-word article)

31 March 2011
Research Writer on India, Pakistan and Middle East Wanted (rate: $50 for 2,500-word article)
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I am looking for writers, reserrchers in Indian History, Political Philosophy, and Marxist philosophy, etc. If you have a Ph.D in Economics, Statistics, Political Science, Philosophy helpful. Excellent writing skills in English are required. I need several 2,500 word research papers on multiple social, political, religious issues. All writing, data must be original and ready sign a release surrendering the copyright of the articles to me. No plagiarism. Also expertise in Pakistan and Middle East is helpful. I need several writers as soon as possible. Please submit a five-hundred word sample paper. Please contact the publisher.

Compensation: $50 U.S. Dollars for 2,500 word accepted article.

Telecommuting is ok.

More information here.
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