Job Opening: Print and Publication Editor for CE Info Systems India

01 March 2011
Job Opening: Print and Publication Editor for CE Info Systems India
CE Info Systems (P) Ltd., a New Delhi-based ISO 9001-2000 Company founded in 1992, is India's leader in premium quality digital map data and consumer navigation services. Since 1994, through continuous field surveys and state-of-the-art mapping technology, the company has built its proprietary MapmyIndia Maps, the most comprehensive, accurate, robust and reliable navigable map dataset for all India. MapmyIndia is driving the Indian navigation industry by providing internet, mobile and in-car navigation products to end consumers directly as well as in partnership with leading international and national players

Print and Publication Editor (Delhi)

Experience: 2 - 6 Years

Formulates policies, plans, coordinates, and directs editorial activities; and supervises who assist in selecting and preparing material for publication of Travel Guide (Map Book) in all major cities.
Secures graphic material from picture sources and assigns artists and photographers to produce pictures and illustrations. Have the capability to visualize, create and final delivery of product. Must have knowledge of printing and publishing.

Apply here.
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