Engage Media Indonesia's Checkpoints $500 Story/ Poetry Contest (worldwide)

19 March 2011
Engage Media Indonesia's Checkpoints $500 Story/ Poetry Contest (worldwide)
Deadline: 1 August 2011

Write your checkpoints story (fiction, nonfiction, or poetry) in 500 words or less, and get them performed by FLEFF actors in Ithaca and screened on EngageMedia. Chance to win USD500!

We need you at the checkpoint.

The Checkpoints Story Contest is an international social media project to aggregate and amplify stories about where we check, checkup, checkmate, get checked, spot check, point.

Checkpoints suggest boiling points, border points, match points, pointers, flashpoints as principles of operation and crossings to somewhere else.

Checkpoints define our current historical moment.

Share your story.

Make a point.

You could win USD500 just for sharing your checkpoint story.

The Checkpoints Story Contest is a collaborative project of the Finger Lakes Environmental Film Festival, the Park Media Lab (USA), and EngageMedia (Asia-Pacific).

How to enter?

1. Write your checkpoints story (fiction, nonfiction, or poetry) in 500 words or less.
2. Include your name, hometown, country, and e-mail contact at the end of your story.
3. Paste your story into the body of an e-mail to checkpointscontest@gmail.com. Stories submitted as file attachments will be disqualified.
4. Final deadline is August 1, 2011.
5. Prizes announced in August: Winner, $500 USD. Honorable mentions will also be named. Judges are Leslie Daniels, USA and Cherian George, Singapore.
6. Stories will be selected each month by the FLEFF team to be performed by professional actors and filmed by professional mediamakers from Park Media Lab. Then we will load the production up on EngageMedia.org in Indonesia, a high profile, high-traffic social media site for environmental and human rights.

More information here.
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