Call for Papers
South Asian Arts welcomes submission of well-research academic articles from scholars. Papers should be typed in Georgia 12 pt fonts, proof-read and submitted electronically in MS-Word File Format to this email address -

Manuscripts should be original and author should give proper acknowledgments for images and other sources and arguments. If copyright issues are involved, they should get them cleared before sending the article.
The minimum length of the paper should be about 750 words excluding the references. The editor may give suggestions about revision of the article in a certain way before it can be published.
No remunerations will be paid as this is a no profit no loss venture.
Style guide here.
South Asian Arts welcomes submission of well-research academic articles from scholars. Papers should be typed in Georgia 12 pt fonts, proof-read and submitted electronically in MS-Word File Format to this email address -
Manuscripts should be original and author should give proper acknowledgments for images and other sources and arguments. If copyright issues are involved, they should get them cleared before sending the article.
The minimum length of the paper should be about 750 words excluding the references. The editor may give suggestions about revision of the article in a certain way before it can be published.
No remunerations will be paid as this is a no profit no loss venture.
Style guide here.